Sunday, October 30, 2011

Collateral Damage Set to Pile Up as Talks Collapse

(Reuters) - With no end to a bitter labor dispute in sight collateral damage is beginning to mount as the National Basketball Association (NBA) announced it was canceling more games.

For the third time in a month, a glum NBA Commissioner David Stern stepped up to the microphone and announced the cancellation of games as players and owners appeared set to endure a long, cold winter of haggling over a new collective bargaining agreement.

"We're going to have to recalculate how bad the damage is...The NBA's offer will, its next offer will reflect the extraordinary losses that are starting to pile up now," Stern told reporters shortly after the talks collapsed on Friday. 'Both sides are very badly damaged.

"The amount of dollars lost to the owners is extraordinary. And the amount of dollars lost to players under individual contracts is also extraordinary."

Having canceled the entire preseason and then the first two weeks of the regular season, which was set to tipoff on November 1, Stern lopped two more weeks off the schedule on Friday as the bitter standoff between owners and players escalated.

Both sides have warned of the devastating consequences a lost season would have on the league but some are already feeling the tremors as arena ushers, security staff, vendors and others whose incomes are linked to the NBA begin to deal with the squeeze from lost jobs and wages.

"We share the frustrations of our fans, partners, and those who rely on our game for their livelihoods," said NBA Deputy Commissioner Adam Silver. "We remain committed to reaching an agreement that's fair for both the teams and the players and allows for the long-term growth of our game."

With no talks scheduled, locked out players have been left scrambling to find ways to ride out the storm.

A few foreign players have returned to domestic leagues while some of the NBA's bigger names, like Los Angeles Lakers All-Star Kobe Bryant, are also reportedly exploring the possibility of playing overseas.


German Dirk Nowitzki, the most valuable player of last season's NBA Finals for the champion Dallas Mavericks, said recently he would consider playing overseas if the lockout drags on.

During the labor dispute that wiped out the entire 2004-05 National Hockey League season, 350 members of the NHL Players Association found jobs in various European leagues.

Many, like Swedes Daniel Alfredsson and Henrik Zetterberg returned home to play while others like Canadian Rick Nash and Joe Thornton found refuge in Switzerland.

There have also been reports of plans for a world tour by locked out players.

NHL great Wayne Gretzky led a team overseas during the league's 1994 labor dispute while the NHL World Stars barnstormed their way around Europe during the 2004-05 lockout.

Some of the NBA's biggest names, including Bryant, LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Derrick Rose, may be planning something similar with a November tour in the works with stops in Puerto Rico, London, Macau and Australia.

Players and owners remain well divided over one main issues -- the division of basketball-related income.

NBA owners contend the league lost $300 million last season with 22 of 30 teams in the red and initially demanded players cut their share of revenue from 57 to 47 percent from the previous collective bargaining agreement, along with a firm salary cap and shorter contracts.

The players had offered to reduce their share from 57 to 53 percent, and lowered that to 52.5 percent last week. But that was not enough for the owners, who had formally proposed a 50-50 split.

In the end, neither side was willing to move off their positions.

"We made an offer and that was our offer and because that offer was less than 52 percent (executive director of the players' union) Billy Hunter said that's it and he left," said Stern.

Like the NFL, the NBA labor dispute essentially boils down to a battle between millionaire players and billionaire owners with neither side finding any support among casual sport fans.

With the U.S. still clawing its way out of recession and millions of Americans searching for work there is little sympathy for NBA players grumbling about an average salary of over $5 million a season.

While the league and players are certain to face a backlash at home, some experts feel the lockout could help grow NBA interest outside the United States,

"The lockout might in a strange, perverted sort of way help this league in its continual effort to be the best American global sports brand," Paul Swangard, managing director, Warsaw Sports Marketing Center at the University of Oregon, told Reuters.

"You've got all these players over in China, you've got Kobe potentially playing in Italy, you've got barnstorming tours planned, all the product companies are leveraging those player assets in emerging markets."

Thursday, October 27, 2011

N.B.A. Negotiations Yield a Glimmer of Hope for Full Season

Confidence, the uncommon customer within D. W. The. groups recently, crept back to the area upon Thursday — gradually, very carefully with moderate fanfare. The actual lockout isn't more than, along with a work offer isn't however within achieve. However it might be coming through the weekend break.

Negotiators for that category and also the gamers marriage taking place the convention, 15-hour bargaining program which proceeded to go through midday Thursday till 3 the. michael. Thurs. These people surfaced along with bloodshot eye as well as tired gazes however having a weak shine associated with wish which was not observed in numerous several weeks.

There is actually speak associated with rebuilding a complete, 82-game period — possible that were basically eliminated previously this particular 30 days, following the category terminated the very first fourteen days from the period.

“I believe it’s too soon, not only each morning, but nonetheless within the discussions, expressing self-confidence which we’re in a offer, ” the actual deputy commissioner, Adam Metallic, stated in a push meeting right before four the. michael. “There’s absolutely no query, although, that people do help to make improvement upon a few substantial problems. However you may still find a few really substantial problems remaining. ”

The actual improvement had been created upon numerous so-called “system” problems, especially the posh taxes along with other systems with regard to managing group payrolls. The actual events may reconvene from two g. michael. Thurs to keep the actual speaks, along with the aim of achieving the offer this particular weekend break — possibly over time to create a good 82-game routine.

“I presume if your offer is possible in between right now as well as Weekend or even Mon associated with in a few days, I believe it’s feasible, ” stated Billy Seeker, the actual professional overseer from the gamers marriage.

Commissioner Donald Strict had been much more circumspect concerning the prospective client of the complete period, however he or she stated the actual category and also the marriage discussed the aim of keeping as numerous video games as you possibly can. The growing season have been planned to begin upon November. 1. If your offer is actually arrived at within theory through Weekend, the growing season might certainly begin over the last 7 days associated with The fall of.

However which likelihood continues to be much more of the wish than the usual concrete actuality right now. Each attributes very carefully prevented any kind of overt confidence Thurs early morning, plus they rejected to provide details concerning the speaks.

“We could sort out a variety of problems these days concerning our bodies, ” stated Derek Fisher, the actual marriage leader. “We can’t state which main improvement had been created by any means, however there is a few improvement upon a number of our bodies problems, certainly sufficient to return from two o’clock the next day. ”

The actual sculpt and also the content material had been substantially diverse from the final period both events talked openly. Discussions experienced hit bottom per week previously, for that 3rd period this particular 30 days, in spite of thirty several hours associated with speaks more than 3 times, just about all using the assistance of the government mediator. The actual mediator withdrew in the procedure and it is no more included.

Anyone who had been briefed upon Wednesday’s speaks stated the actual attributes experienced “moved closer” upon the majority of the program problems, however informed that the contract wasn't at hand. The actual events didn't talk about the actual department associated with income, that continues to be just like crucial since the program problems.

The actual category is actually suggesting the 50-50 divided associated with basketball-related earnings, or even BRI — a noticable difference more than prior provides, but nonetheless a significant decrease in the 57 % how the gamers have been generating. The actual marriage is actually requesting fifty two %, normally.

It had been the actual discussion more than income which triggered the actual foretells fall a week ago. In the union’s ask for, which concern had been reserve for the time being. 1 operating concept is actually when the actual gamers obtain a program which fulfills their own authorization, they may accept the actual 50-50 divided, or even some thing near.

“We’re not really likely to obtain in front of ourself at this time, ” Fisher stated. “We’ll still stay centered on a few crucial theory products within our program which have to stay presently there to ensure that the gamers in order to accept what's currently a lower portion associated with BRI. ”

The actual proprietors possess pointed out they're not going to work out past the actual 50-50 placement. It had been unclear whether or not they stay working upon which determine.

“We do eventually consider their own recommendation that people recreation area the problem from the divided within income, ” Metallic stated. “They understand exactly where all of us remain. ”

There have been whispers associated with wish through the night, through just about all attributes, however they've been lower this particular street often prior to, and then observe their own initiatives accident.

They'd fulfilled 8 prior occasions this particular 30 days, for any complete associated with fifty eight several hours extended more than 20 times. However the exact same 2 problems — the actual department associated with income as well as regulates upon group payrolls — derailed the actual speaks each time.

Strict, that skipped the ultimate settling program a week ago due to sickness, came back towards the speaks Thursday as well as appeared lively, actually from four the. michael.

“The power within the space may be great, ” Strict stated. “The backwards and forwards may be great. We’re getting excited about the next day. ”

He or she finished the actual push meeting together with his typical be aware associated with extreme caution: “There’s absolutely no offer upon something unless of course there’s the offer upon every thing. ”

The actual quickly known as conference ongoing the month-long design associated with suits as well as begins. 3 times, speaks hit bottom among acrimony as well as lose hope. 3 times, the actual speaks started again in spite of everything.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Nowitzki to Work Out in Germany if Lockout Drags

ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — Once the World Series is over, Dirk Nowitzki will start planning a trip back to Germany unless there's progress toward starting the NBA season.

The NBA finals MVP said Saturday that he wants to resume training with his personal coach if it seems unlikely he will be playing for the Dallas Mavericks any time soon.

"It's time to really get back in the routine," Nowitzki said after throwing out the first pitch for Game 3 of the World Series. "Got to keep the options open, maybe see what's going on overseas."

Nowitzki has become a baseball fan over his 13 years in the United States. Because the Texas Rangers are his local team, he roots for them, and even has a blue jersey customized with his name and number. He threw out the first pitch at a game this summer after leading the Mavs to their first title and attended Game 6 of the AL championship series. He wasn't able to make it to a World Series game when the Rangers made it last year, so he was eager to attend — and take part — on Saturday night.

"I'm really proud of obviously representing the (Dallas-Fort Worth) Metroplex," he said.

Nowitzki has said he would wait until early 2012 before considering playing for a European team. With only training camp and the first two weeks of the season scrubbed so far, he is keeping that timetable.

"If the lockout still stays strong, I've definitely got to look into something there January and February," he said.

Nowitzki is still wearing a splint on the middle finger of his left hand, a remnant of the torn tendon sustained during Game 2 of the finals against the Miami Heat. The injury was supposed to have healed by now, but it turns out that he aggravated it while playing for Germany in the European championships.

"I took a ball on it in the Euros this summer, so it was kind of like sagging again," Nowitzki said. "I've got to keep it straight for, whatever, four, six weeks. But it doesn't bother me at all. It doesn't hurt or anything."

He said surgery won't be necessary.

Germany was knocked out of the Euros before the quarterfinals, eliminating its chances of making the 2012 Olympics. Nowitzki said he hasn't even touched a basketball since then.

"I've just been keeping in shape, you know, working out, doing lots of cardio and lifting a little bit and running," he said. "If the season will start any time soon, I think I'll be ready."

Nowitzki hasn't attended any of the labor meetings, but he said he would consider it. He said it was very disappointing that the latest round of negotiations didn't produce a settlement.

"We're all hoping, I guess, with the mediator, that something was going to happen, and just talks broke off, so it's very unfortunate," he said. "Hopefully we can get something going here any time soon. But it doesn't look good. "

Nowitzki said there are several parallels between the Rangers' quest for their first championship and the Mavs' winning their first, such as a late rally to win Game 2 and tie the series at 1-1 before heading home. The Mavs won it all on their second try and this is the Rangers' second trip.

"Hopefully, they'll learn from last year like we did in '06 and just be able to close it out," he said. "That would be awesome for the Metroplex to do it in the same year, get a championship and have another parade."

Would he sing "We Are The Champions" in their parade like he did during his team's celebration?

"For sure," he said, smiling. "If they want me in it, I'm there."

Sunday, October 23, 2011

N.B.A. Talks Break Off, Threatening November Games

Discussions to finish the actual D. W. The. lockout hit bottom once again Thurs evening, within magnificent style, with increased acrimony, doubtfulness as well as hot unsupported claims, as well as regardless of the participation of the government mediator.

The actual speaks finished regarding 7 g. michael., following almost thirty several hours invested more than 3 times in a Midtown New york resort. It's the 3rd period this particular 30 days how the proprietors as well as gamers possess strolled from one another having a sensation they couldn't proceed any more.

The final break down resulted in the actual cancellation from the very first fourteen days from the period. That one ensures which an additional fourteen days, the total amount from the The fall of routine, is going to be destroyed quickly. The chance associated with dropping the whole period looms actually bigger.

“Ultimately all of us were not able in order to link the actual space which sets apart both events, ” Adam Metallic, the actual D. W. The. deputy commissioner, stated regarding half an hour following the events divided. He or she additional, “We’re saddened with respect to the overall game. ”

Absolutely no extra conferences tend to be planned, and also the government mediator, George They would. Cohen, offers successfully removed in the procedure.

Even though Cohen stated he'd be accessible in the event that speaks had been in order to cv, he or she released the dismal evaluation, stating inside a declaration, “No helpful objective will be offered through asking for the actual events to keep the actual mediation procedure at the moment. ”

The actual finality had been fairly astonishing, provided the actual moderate improvement which category authorities and also the gamers marriage experienced created this particular 7 days, along with Cohen’s help.

The actual attributes simplified the actual space upon income discussing plans, using the D. W. The. providing the 50-50 divided, and also the gamers decreasing their own ask for in order to fifty two. 5 %. However which space signifies regarding $100 zillion within today’s conditions, as well as $1 million within the existence of the 10-year offer, that is exactly what the actual proprietors would like.

“They managed to get obvious when the placement had been that people had been not willing to maneuver past 50 %, there is absolutely nothing otherwise to speak about, ” stated Metallic, who had been top the actual D. W. The. depending instead of Commissioner Donald Strict, who had been sick. “And that’s once the conversations shattered away these days. ”

Silver’s effects trigger marriage frontrunners, that stated it had been the actual proprietors that basically released a good ultimatum — a level divided or even absolutely nothing — as well as known as from the speaks.

“I wish to inform you that you simply men had been humiliated in order to previously, ” stated Derek Fisher, the actual leader from the gamers marriage.

Fisher stated how the gamers “continued expressing the readiness in order to work out, ” however how the proprietors declined in order to budge — in order to talk about additional problems — with no union’s acceding towards the 50-50 provide.

The actual events experienced created improvement upon numerous scaled-down products, such as the midlevel exclusion, changes towards the rookie-scale program along with a so-called amnesty supply that could permit groups in order to waive gamers in order to obvious salary-cap space.

These people invested regarding twenty four hours collectively inside a 32-hour period in between Wednesday as well as Thursday, such as the 16-hour program.

Metallic stated he or she started your day sensation positive. Authorities in the players’ aspect additionally experienced which improvement had been feasible once the speaks reconvened earlier Thurs morning, following the D. W. The. ’s panel associated with governors conference.

Marriage authorities advised which some thing transformed in that proprietors conference. Based on the marriage, John Allen, the actual Portland Path Blazers’ proprietor, had been the shock individuals in the work speaks, as well as have been delivered to provide the actual owners’ information — they might proceed absolutely no additional.

“This conference had been hijacked, ” stated Jeffrey Kessler, the actual union’s outdoors lawyer and it is guide negotiator. “Something occurred for the reason that panel associated with governors conference. All of us had been producing improvement. ”

Allen had been delivered, Kessler stated, to provide a note in the proprietors — “and which look at had been, ‘Our method or even the actual freeway. ’ That’s what we should had been informed. All of us had been surprised. ”

Kessler talked lengthy following category authorities experienced deceased. The actual D. W. The. didn't instantly react to their comments.

The actual speaks happened without having Strict, that experienced flulike signs and symptoms. He or she conveyed along with Metallic as well as Chris Holt, the actual chairman from the D. W. The. ’s work panel, through telephone during the day.

Expect the offer keeps growing dimmer along with each and every break down. The actual events had been deadlocked once the proprietors enforced the actual lockout upon This summer 1 and also have because damaged away speaks 3 times — upon March. four, March. 10 as well as Thurs. Since the 2011 diary shortens, the effects improve, combined with the dismal unsupported claims.

Billy Seeker, the actual union’s professional overseer, stated the actual proprietors meant just about all together in order to drive the actual gamers until now, in order to cancel video games and also to pressure these phones skip income.

“I’ve recognized in the get-go, a minimum of 2 or 3 in years past, which actually it had been the actual D. W. The. owners’ intend to locking mechanism away, split the actual marriage, split the actual solve from the gamers as well as enforce on the actual gamers and also the marriage the machine these people desired, ” Seeker stated.

The sooner panel associated with governors conference had been mainly invested talking about a far more nice revenue-sharing strategy. Metallic reiterated how the revenue-sharing swimming pool will be tripled, in order to a minimum of $150 zillion each year, as well as quadrupled within later on months.

Even though particulars continued to be private, the actual league’s weakest franchises might obtain as much as $15 zillion annually underneath the brand new method, based on an individual that has observed the master plan. Both greatest payers will be the La Lakers, who're likely to lead $50 zillion annually, and also the Knicks, who're likely to lead $30 zillion annually.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

N.B.A. Talks Pause After 16-Hour Marathon Meeting

With a federal mediator prodding them along, and the stakes increasing by the day, negotiators for the N.B.A. and its players union returned to the bargaining table for a marathon session that began early Tuesday and bled into Wednesday morning.

The meeting in Midtown Manhattan lasted 16 hours, ending just after 2 a.m. The parties left without speaking to reporters, at the behest of the mediator, George Cohen. They are scheduled to resume talks at 10 a.m., giving everyone precious little time to rest.

“The mediator has asked both sides to refrain from commenting,” said Mike Bass, an N.B.A. spokesman. “Both sides have agreed to abide by his wishes.”

There was no outward hint of progress -- other than the length of the meeting and the agreement to continue the talks.

The N.B.A.’s labor-relations committee had been scheduled to meet on its own Wednesday morning, in preparation for a full owners meeting in the evening. Instead, the 12 committee members will again gather with union officials and Cohen in an attempt to break a stalemate that has already wiped out two weeks of the regular season.

The owners meetings are scheduled to continue on Thursday, but they could be postponed if progress is being made at the bargaining table.

If the duration of Tuesday’s meeting inspired some hope for fans, it also came with a large caution flag: the parties have had several lengthy bargaining sessions in the past six weeks, all of which ended without an agreement. This is the first time, however, that the talks have been steered by an outside party.

The lockout is now into its 111th day, the second longest labor crisis in N.B.A. history. The first two weeks of the season – 100 games scheduled between Nov. 1-14 -- were canceled last week, after the last round of talks between owners and players broke down. They appeared to be headed for a long standoff.

Cohen, who last spring attempted to resolve the N.F.L. lockout – to little effect -- brought the parties together again, in hopes of creating the foundation for a labor deal that has eluded them for two years.

Cohen arrived with impeccable credentials and the imprimatur of the federal government, but with no authority to compel an agreement. He was armed only with the powers of persuasion, and the ability to offer each party some cover to make a compromise.

But there had been no shortage of meetings, proposals, ideas and suggestions. By the time mediation began, N.B.A. and union leaders had logged 60-plus hours at the bargaining table over a six-week span. Yet they remained hundreds of millions apart, with an ever-widening rhetorical gulf.

Commissioner David Stern last week ominously hinted that the league’s Christmas games could be canceled if an agreement was not reached soon. Stern has been on a virtual media tour for the last several days, hammering the N.B.A.’s talking points in a furious effort to win the public’s support.

“It’s time to make the deal,” Stern said in an interview with WFAN last Thursday, referring to the mediation session. “If we don’t make it on Tuesday, my gut –this is not in my official capacity of canceling games – but my gut is that we won’t be playing on Christmas Day.”

Stern then implied that the entire season might be at risk.

Derek Fisher, the union president, fired back the next day, saying, “My gut tells me that there’s no way Commissioner Stern and the N.B.A. would damage their business by making us miss a whole season.”

Perhaps not, but more games will be canceled soon in the absence of a deal.

Talks have been stalled on two primary issues: the division of revenue between owners and players and the structure of the league’s salary-cap system. Owners want to reduce the players’ share of revenues to as low as 47 percent, from the current 57 percent. The players have offered to reduce their share to 53 percent. The owners have dropped their demand for a hard salary cap but they remain determined to place severe new restrictions on the soft-cap system, which the players oppose.

Both sides brought their full negotiating committees on Tuesday. Twelve owners, all members of the N.B.A.’s labor-relations committee, joined Stern and the deputy commissioner Adam Silver. Eight players from the union’s executive board joined Fisher and Billy Hunter, the union’s executive director.

As the lockout dragged on, the N.B.A. approved the sale of the Philadelphia 76ers to a group led by Joshua Harris, a New York billionaire. The club sold for $280 million, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer, considerably less than its $350 million value, as estimated by Forbes magazine.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Jerry West Reveals Lifelong Depression

 Jerry West says he has battled depression since childhood, when his father would beat the future Hall of Famer, causing low self-esteem that has plagued him despite a successful career as one of the NBA's biggest influences.
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West says his West Virginia childhood was devoid of love and filled with anger as a result of his abusive father, who left him feeling tormented and worthless.

"I would go to bed feeling like I didn't even want to live," West says in a segment airing Tuesday on HBO's "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel."

"I've been so low sometimes and when everyone else would be so high because I didn't like myself."

West's memoir, "West by West: My Charmed, Tormented Life," is in stores Wednesday. It's a book his wife, Karen, his five sons and his four siblings didn't want him to write.

In the HBO interview, West describes his father beating him with a belt, saying, "It was brutal."

He says he never knew what would set his father off. It wasn't until his father hit his sister that West found the courage to stand up to the man that had abused him. At 12, West kept a shotgun under his bed and threatened to use it on his father if the abuse didn't end.

When West's father died of a heart attack, he attended the funeral. He cries in the interview as he talks about wondering whether his father would be proud of him and his achievements.

West says his depression never bothered him as a player during 14 seasons with the Los Angeles Lakers because he was so driven by a fear of failure. However, once the season ended, he would dwell on the defeats, including the Lakers' six NBA finals losses to the Boston Celtics.

"He wouldn't speak for days at a time ... It worried me," Karen West says, adding that "Jerry doesn't say 'I love you.'... Maybe once a year."

West tells HBO he tried therapy, but gave it up, preferring to take Prozac and work through his depression by himself. He says his condition has eased in the 10 years since he served as Lakers general manager. He now works as an adviser to the Golden State Warriors.

"I'm the luckiest person in the world," he says.

Monday, October 17, 2011

LeBron James Takes His Talents to Liverpool

The Miami Heat star toured the Premier League club's facilities for the first time since becoming a shareholder of the 18-time English champions. James held up the Champions League trophy won by Liverpool in 2005 and posted a picture on Twitter of a red No. 6 jersey with his name on it.

The two-time MVP will sit in the directors' box at Anfield Stadium for Saturday's Premier League match against Liverpool rival Manchester United.

"Jersey ready for the big match 2morrow," James tweeted.

Liverpool's official website said James held up the Champions League trophy won by Liverpool in Istanbul, Turkey, and was told about the team's rally from 3-0 down at halftime to beat AC Milan on penalties.

"That is an amazing trophy! Can I hold it up?" James said.

James brought the club store "to a standstill," the website said, after spending 20 minutes shopping for scarves and clothes for his two young sons back home.

The superstar caused laughter among the fans by attempting to 'shoot' a small LFC soccer ball into a basket 10 yards away. He missed.

James will not be joined at the match by Liverpool's principal owner John Henry, who is dealing with the Boston Red Sox' failure to make the playoffs.

In April, James obtained a small stake in Fenway Sports Group, which owns Liverpool and the Red Sox.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Italian league arranging deal for Bryant signing

The Italian basketball league was attempting Saturday to solve scheduling problems so Virtus Bologna can sign Kobe Bryant during the NBA lockout.
Virtus Bologna President Claudio Sabatini has told The Associated Press he's "very confident" he can complete the deal for the Los Angeles Lakers star.
The 10-game contract would be worth more than $3 million but hinges on other clubs changing their schedules to ensure Bologna has five home games during the span.
Bologna also wants its opening five road games in Italy's biggest arenas. Smaller clubs Cremona and Varese are reluctant to alter their schedules.
The league said in a statement Saturday it is "working to allow Virtus Bologna to arrange a deal to sign Kobe Bryant," adding it is "convinced this deal could be of key importance for the greater awareness of Italian basketball."
League President Valentino Renzi told the ANSA news agency he was "moderately optimistic" a deal could be made, adding "the situation is definitely complicated."
Bryant lived in Italy between ages 6 and 13 while his father played in the country. He still speaks fluent Italian and has said it would be a "dream" to play there.
Bologna would need to have the deal signed by the end of next week to register Bryant with the Italian league before the season starts Oct. 9.
A statement on Bologna's website late Friday said that in accordance with Bryant's representatives the club will not comment further "until either a positive or negative outcome from the negotiations."
Meanwhile, local media were reporting that another Italian club, Montegranaro, was in talks with Toronto Raptors forward Andrea Bargnani.
Denver Nuggets forward Danilo Gallinari rejoined his former Italian club Olimpia Milano last week, while other NBA players are also joining clubs in Europe and Asia.
With exactly one month until the season is scheduled to start, NBA owners and players were meeting in New York for a second straight day in hopes of ending the lockout.

An agreement on a new labor deal may be necessary in the next few days to avoid having to cancel regular-season games. Part of the preseason already has been scrapped, and Commissioner David Stern has said there must be progress this weekend or there will be "enormous consequences."

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Former Raptor Moon joins Quebec NBL team

Former Toronto Raptor Jamario Moon is working with the Quebec Kebs of the National Basketball League.

"To confirm, at this point Jamario Moon will join the Kebs at vet camp to practice with the team, stay in shape, and assist Coach [Robert] Spon," the league tweeted on Tuesday.
The 31-year-old forward has played in the NBA for four seasons with Toronto, the Miami Heat, Cleveland Cavaliers and Los Angeles Clippers.

In that time, Moon has averaged 6.4 points and 4.3 rebounds per game.
Moon is available to work with the Kebs because the NBA players' association has been locked out by the league's owners as part of an ongoing labour dispute.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Former Raptor Moon joins Quebec NBL team

Former Toronto Raptor Jamario Moon is working with the Quebec Kebs of the National Basketball League.

"To confirm, at this point Jamario Moon will join the Kebs at vet camp to practice with the team, stay in shape, and assist Coach [Robert] Spon," the league tweeted on Tuesday.

The 31-year-old forward has played in the NBA for four seasons with Toronto, the Miami Heat, Cleveland Cavaliers and Los Angeles Clippers.

In that time, Moon has averaged 6.4 points and 4.3 rebounds per game.

Moon is available to work with the Kebs because the NBA players' association has been locked out by the league's owners as part of an ongoing labour dispute.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Bryant, Bologna operating 'intensely' on lockout deal

Kobe Bryant's administration as well as Virtus Bologna possess launched the combined declaration stating they're operating "very intensely" to create the actual La Lakers celebrity in order to Italia throughout the NBA lockout.

Bologna leader Claudio Sabatini informed The actual Connected Push upon Fri he experienced arrived at the sensitive cope with Bryant's broker Take advantage of Pelinka for any 10-game agreement really worth a lot more than $3 zillion ALL OF US.

"Virtus Pallacanestro Bologna and also the administration associated with Mr. Bryant will work really extremely to produce this particular essential offer, inch Monday's declaration stated. "Reaching this type of complicated offer demands each sides' optimum interest for each small fine detail.

"Everyone desires an optimistic end result towards the offer, the aim of that is Kobe Bryant's existence within Italia, financial pursuits for that seventeen night clubs within Serie The and much more interest for those associated with Italian language golf ball. inch

Nevertheless, the offer depends on additional night clubs changing their own agendas to make sure Bologna offers 5 house video games throughout Bryant's 10-game agreement. Bologna additionally desires it's starting 5 aside video games performed within Italy's greatest circles, as well as really wants to prevent a good early-season l8rs.

Scaled-down night clubs Cremona as well as Varese happen to be hesitant to change their own agendas, even though Italian language category stated Sunday it had been intervening to assist set up a good contract.

"I wish which really soon we will possess a offer, inch Sabatini stated Mon, based on the ANSA information company. "I wish to say thanks to Kobe, that shown once again immediately he really wants to go back to Italia. inch

The actual Italian language category offers nevertheless not really launched it's complete routine, along with Venezia lately additional like a seventeenth group.

Bryant resided within Italia in between age range 6 as well as 13 whilst their dad performed in the united kingdom. He or she nevertheless talks fluent Italian language and it has stated it might be the "dream" in order to perform in the united kingdom.

Bologna will have to possess the offer authorized through the finish of the 7 days to join up Bryant prior to it's starting online game towards Roma upon Weekend.

Within Ny upon Sunday, NBA proprietors as well as gamers didn't achieve a brand new your time offer following regarding 7 several hours associated with speaks concentrated mainly about the league's income limit framework.

The actual attributes had been conference once again Mon, although period gets brief in order to save the actual planned start of normal period upon November.1.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

First 2 weeks of regular NBA season in jeopardy

NBA proprietors, dropping vast sums associated with bucks annually, desired a good change from the economic climate to make sure on their own an opportunity to revenue.

Gamers, thinking these were the actual generating pressure at the rear of report TELEVISION rankings as well as income, desired to maintain exactly what these people experienced these people earned.

Right now, discussions which have survived almost 2 yrs have to finish within the next couple of days.

Commissioner Donald Strict stated he'll cancel the very first fourteen days from the normal period when there is absolutely no contract on the brand new offer through Mon, priced at each attributes cash as well as generating aside a few golf ball enthusiasts that may in no way return.

"There is definitely an remarkable strike visiting the actual proprietors and also to the actual gamers, inch Strict stated.

As well as the folks that function within the online game and also the companies which rely on this.

Strict offers frequently stated proprietors experienced 2 objectives within the speaks: a method to get away deficits along with a program exactly where just about all groups might contend similarly, observing how the NBA's small-market night clubs are not almost because prosperous because Extremely Dish winners such as Indiana as well as Eco-friendly These types of.

The issue, these people stated, had been something which ensures gamers 57 percent of basketball-related earnings, which include entrance bills, transmit income, in-arena product sales associated with novelties as well as credits, industry signs income, online game car parking as well as sponsorship bucks.

An additional issue is really a income limit framework which allows groups to visit nicely past this when they had been prepared to spend an extravagance taxes, that the large spenders within large marketplaces for example La as well as Ny might very easily pay for.

The actual attributes continue to be split within the income divided and also the limit, as well as gamers demand they'd instead sit down away video games compared to have a offer that could get rid of increases these people fought against for a long time back.

"They're likely to give up — when they shed video games, these people skip cash as well as everything. These people really feel they need to have a remain exactly the same wayplayers required the are a symbol of all of them prior to these were right here. Is in reality very uplifting to hear all of them state which, inch stated players' attorney Jeffrey Kessler, that additionally symbolized NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE gamers throughout their four-month lockout come july 1st.

"I believe these people noticed the way the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE gamers was collectively via a down economy as well as were left with the offer the actual NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE gamers believed had been reasonable. They are considering they will perform the same.

The price, with regard to each attributes, will be incredible.

Strict forecasted the $200 zillion ALL OF US reduction simply for the actual cancellation from the NBA's whole preseason routine. In the event that circles tend to be darkish upon November. 1, once the actual video games tend to be designed to begin, the actual harm is going to be increased.

"They're within the vast sums associated with bucks, inch Deputy Commissioner Adam Metallic stated. "We're not really ready to reveal the actual details. However, indeed, we have invested considerable time with this groups strolling via individuals situations associated with dropped video games, and also the harm is actually huge, is going to be huge.

Players' organization professional overseer Billy Seeker stated gamers might shed $350 zillion for every 30 days they are secured away.

The actual toughest strikes most likely is going to be experienced through individuals from the courtroom -- in the 114 individuals the actual NBA let go within This summer in order to companies which rely on enthusiasts flocking towards the video games.

In the car parking large amount of their Overhead Hamburgers cafe within down-town Sodium River Town, Paul Katsanevas can easily see the actual advantage associated with EnergySolutions Industry, it's blue-and-green lighting currently glistening at night.

Exactly what he might not really observe whatsoever this season would be the countless enthusiasts that regularly load up their 224-seat cafe prior to every Ut Jazz online game, car parking their own vehicles free of charge when they purchase $14 within meals, such as their well-known made-to-order patties crowned along with pastrami.

"For all of us, it is a huge effect in the event that these types of video games do not undergo, inch stated Katsanevas, in whose loved ones is the owner of the actual cafe only a prevent northern from the industry as well as 5 other people within the city region. "Before this was previously the gravy. However right now using the economic climate as well as anything else that is happening, it is be a requirement. inch

He or she stated all their 41 workers might find their own several hours reduce when the lockout proceeds.

Gamers as well as proprietors do thin the actual monetary space prior to speaks shattered lower Wednesday. Gamers suggested decreasing their own BRI assure in order to 53 percent as well as proprietors elevated their own official provide in order to forty seven percent. Strict additionally stated he or she talked about the thought of the 50-50 divided, that was declined through gamers.

Along with every portion stage equal to approximately $38 zillion associated with final year's BRI complete associated with $3. 8 million, the actual marriage thinks the decrease through 57 percent in order to 53 percent is sufficient of the concession, stating it might move a lot more than $1 million in order to proprietors within 6 many years.

Therefore whilst discussing 50-50 seems excellent within kindergarten, it might not really work with NBA gamers.

Strict stated the actual category experienced supported away additional needs, such as income rollbacks as well as non-guaranteed agreements, and will be offering gamers an opportunity to choose from the contract following 7 many years. Therefore there's wish of the give up within the arriving times.

Each attributes demand they're devoted to creating a offer, even though Metallic verified final period which a few money-losing groups will be much better away in the event that there have been absolutely no period.

Enthusiasts question the way the NBA might be about the edge associated with self-destruction on the couple of measly portion factors whenever it's recognition offers soared. The actual historical free of charge company amount of 2010, that place LeBron Wayne within Ohio together with Dwyane Sort as well as Bob Bosh, introduced a brand new degree of curiosity which transported through the actual Dallas Mavericks' triumph within the Warmth within the NBA finals.

However in launching the actual lockout upon 06 thirty, Strict mentioned which small-market proprietors did not especially benefit from the period or even really feel contained in this, and several possess small motivation to return to some program which appears like the actual aged 1.

Neither might gamers wish to perform below something which limits free of charge company or even limitations their own generating possible. Seeker as well as marriage leader Derek Fisher from the Lakers possess stated these people are ready to sit down instead of take a poor offer.

That may be the end result, because harmful since it appears, without having a difference inside a brief period of time.

"I have not spoken to any or all 400-plus men, however the men which i possess spoken in order to are on a single web page. Whilst it might be damaging with regard to enthusiasts as well as every thing like this, at this time we are coping with a few severe company, inch Detroit's Bill Gordon stated. "One point Derek stated is actually we must are a symbol of some thing. It is not only these days we are actively playing with regard to — it is also the next day, for that men that are not within the category.