Thursday, December 8, 2011

What Made Michael Jordan So Great ?

Jordan was born in 1963 in Brooklyn, the 4th of five siblings. It was in that spring the family moved to Wilmington, NC. Michael played junior varsity ball as a sophomore in high school. He played varsity from then on, winning a scholarship to North Carolina after stellar senior year play. Michael ranks way up there with all the greats of American sports legend. The Chicago Bulls guard had a rare gift, the ability to transcend his sport. It was and is his talent, character and great class on and off the court that make him so beloved by so many.Few have had as much fame as he during their active sports career. One thinks of the Bambino, Ruth and Gretzky and Ali and more recently Tiger. He did not give up even when he was deemed too short in Laney High. As a result, he would use this event as energy for him to do things that would only improve his current situation. He would practice drills every morning and more just to keep playing. At one point in North Carolina, he was able to run the 40 yard sprint at the same pace as his teammate Buzz. To everyone's surprise, he was able to destroy Buzz the following season because of his will to be the best even in things that were not as important.

As many of us know, to this day, many people consider him to be one of the best basketball players of all time. He is a global icon and even people who know nothing about the sport, know his name. Does Michael Jordan play more than other basketball players, is he more talented, or is he lucky? Kid Michael Jordan have a great coach, did he receive help from the day he started to play? These are only some of the guesses that can be made when discussing his greatness. Like a regular kid in love of sports, Jordan would play not only basketball but football, baseball, etc. He did practice a lot but so did many other athletes who only dream of making it where he has been. Jordan combined skill, effort and drive. He also was committed to a standard that few will every rival. He was so focused on one particular thing and was able to put forth. To him, basketball was his only life and he was going to die for it. When he was unable to prove anything more with the Bulls, he retired because his goal was accomplished.

This is one sport that both men and women can enjoy. Many basketball fans spend money to watch their favorite sports team play live while some play basketball themselves. Posters and pictures of great basketball players like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant are usually found in a basketball fan's bedroom or locker. People who play and also watch basketball know that this game is both enjoyable and exciting. Basketball can be fun in many different ways. You can check out the following information to understand why many people find this sport fun and exciting. Every minute of a basketball game is filled with action. You will never get bored watching the game by yourself, with friends, live, or on TV. Basketball players perform some fancy movements like ball dribbling or slam dunk. These things make the game exciting to watch and play.

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