Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Basic Rules And Equipments Used In A Basketball Game

It may be easier to become a spectator of a basketball game than to participate on an actual game, especially on a professional level. If this is your passion, you might as well start by knowing more about the rules and various equipments that are used and implemented on this kind of team sport. More and more people are getting fascinated with the sport. This is why there are many professional leagues that can be found at various countries all around the world. To give you some briefing about what to expect with the game, here's a peek about the rules and a look at the standard equipments used during the game.

Although some rules about measurements and time limits may vary depending on the league and tournaments, these are the basic rules that are followed by international leagues, including the NBA.

The rule of the game is simple, the team with the higher score by the end of the time limit for the whole game would win. This can be achieved by shooting the balls on the hoop to score points, while the opponent tries to hinder the shots through various strategies. A shot can be worth two or three points. Three points is given if the shot is made at the three-point arc or 6.25 meters away from the basket for international games and 7.24 meters for the NBA. One point can be gained if the player does the shot on the foul line after a foul is committed.

There are four quarters in each game. Each quarter can be 10 minutes long for international games and 12 minutes for the NBA. A half-time break is given 15 minutes. If the scores are equal by the end of the fourth quarter, an overtime will be issued that is five minutes long. Whenever the game is not active, the time is stopped. A game usually lasts for two hours, depending on various technical aspects that may occur while it is on. There are two teams that will play at each game. Aside from the players, these teams will have their coaches. The coach is responsible in overseeing the while game and in making sure that the strategies are implemented to increase the team's chances of winning. The team must also have assistant coaches, doctors, trainers, managers and statisticians.

A standard uniform is composed of pair of shorts and jersey that must be unique to each team, with the number and surname of the player who is wearing such. This is applicable for both men and women's leagues. To begin the game, the two essential things that must be at sight are the ball and the court where the game is going to be played. At competitive levels, there must be score sheets, scoreboards, clocks, stop-clock system that is operated through whistle and alternating possession arrows.

As a basketball player, you have to excel not only in shooting, but also on how you can stop the other team from making points. You can achieve this through constant practice and by catching some good games on TV or on live venues.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

There Are Some Ways To Help You Get More From Basketball Training

Whenever you tell someone you want to play basketball, the first thing that just about everyone says is you have to practice hard. Your ability to motivate yourself and have commitment to training will ultimately determine the outcome. To make the most impressive gains you'll need to approach your training drills with the same attitude as playing basketball. Let's look at some ways to help you get more from your basketball training.

It can be very helpful in basketball training to have a partner, someone you work out with and who can help to motivate you. If you're self-motivated to do it, individually, then that's great; but you may want to at least think about a basketball training buddy. With two people, it just opens up a whole other set of basketball training areas you can do together. You may need someone to spot you when you do weightlifting exercises. Perhaps most importantly, when you and your partner have a training session scheduled, you both have an extra motivation to show up on time.

You may find that having a partner does a lot for your basketball training. We cannot overemphasize the importance of good discipline to stick to your training program. You should do everything you can to show up for all practice sessions and always stick to your training regimen. You should put all of your energy into drills and training exercises, as these are what help you develop your skills and improve your conditioning. There is only way to be good, and that is to give yourself completely to your basketball training in your life. While natural talent can certainly be helpful, it is really your attitude towards training that is the biggest factor in how much progress you make in your game.

If there is one area that is probably neglected a lot it has to do with eating right which will give you good nutrition and strength. For maximum energy in your day, eat about four or five small meals as opposed to the traditional three large meal habit we all grew up with. You do want to avoid losing a lot of weight for basketball, that is assuming your weight is basically ideal. You actually need to eat so you maintain your weight because it's easy to lose it playing basketball during the regular season. Avoid junk food, always, and for gaining weight the best way is through proper nutrition.

The results you get from your basketball training will reflect the amount of effort and work you put into it. The best players are those who are most dedicated, and who don't let anything get in their way. If you apply all you learn and know plus have dedication, you will see excellent results.

There is no doubt that there are many elements which can help you to strengthen your abilities in virtually any sport, such as the game of basketball,soccer and volleyball, and probably the most crucial of them is the vertical jump ability.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Let Us Discuss The Roles Of All The Different Positions In Basketball

Anybody searching to experience or watch hoops ought to know the different positions in basketball. On the basketball team you will find generally five gamers in the game whatsoever occasions. All these five gamers has different roles and projects for that team. Let us discuss the roles of all the different basketball positions.

Of all basketball teams you will find two pads. The point guard and also the shooting guard. Some teams have a good amount of pads and employ three, but more often than not you will find two. The point guard accounts for dribbling a basketball the basketball in the court and becoming the team occur its offense. The shooting guard is generally a great shooter. Also, it's the responsibility from the shooting guard to assist the point guard with ballhandling duties. Many point pads can shoot well, too. Getting pads that may dribble and shoot perfectly is extremely beneficial for any basketball team.

Most basketball teams have two forwards, a little forward along with a power forward. A little forward is generally in a position to shoot and take care of the ball, in addition to assist with rebounding. A power forward usually plays close to the basket. He helps the team with rebounding and protecting the basket. It's good to possess forwards who is able to rebound, defend close to the basket. Getting the opportunity to shoot and take care of the ball is really a plus for just about any forward, although not normally needed.

The final position may be the center. It's the center's responsibility to protect the basket on defense. Out of all the different positions around the basketball court, the middle may be the last type of defense. Whenever a player will get past an opposing player, it's the job from the center to protect the basket. Also, the middle has down to rebounding. A middle that may defend the basket and rebound, plus score round the basket is extremely beneficial for that team.

Individuals would be the five different positions in basketball. Each position has defined roles and with respect to the coach, the roles and duties can differ.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Here Are Some Effective Basketball Coaching Ideas

The game of basketball requires both effective and committed coaches to impart their knowledge, strategy, and training to elevate their team's competitiveness. A coach must therefore possess the skill and keen eye so he can assist in developing the skills of not just the team, but also of every individual player. He also needs to be able to lead and motivate the team so the players can act as a team and not individually. The list below shows some effective basketball coaching ideas.

Building a Philosophy

When coaching, particularly when you are new to it, it is very important that you build your coaching philosophy on knowing what your goal and priorities are, such as what to do first or what drills or strategies to practice that may fit the team. In order to gain an insight on positive coaching philosophy, you may want to read books, attend clinics or classes provided by highly successful coaches. This will enable you to learn how to focus not just on creating a winning team, but also on how to impart lessons and values to your team.

Team Building

Coaches should always try to build a good rapport between team members and one of the most effective ways of building this would be through team building. If a team has a good relationship with each other, they would be able to encourage and build expectations as well as accountability. One team-building exercise that is very effective is the "Birthday Balance Beam." This exercise requires a mat for each group of 10 and a low-standing beam. To start the exercise, get your team to lineup themselves in any order on the beam. After that, they should try to rearrange their position in order of birth. If any member of the team so much touches the ground or complains about a teammate, then the whole exercise should be restarted until it is completed without any mistake.

The Zone

There are actually many ways to prepare your team's mental preparedness for a game. Centering is one example of a mental technique and this can done before practices and before games. To start the mental preparedness technique, have your team stand with feet at shoulder width apart, guide them to inhale and exhale deeply, and make them focus on their tension which gets relieved slowly each time they exhale. Another technique would be developing the ability to block external noises. This can be done by playing loud, irritating, and distracting noises while they practice doing shots and free throws.

Drills and Games

In order to build your team's ability to work well with each other, build important basketball skills such as shooting, passing, catching, dribbling, rebounding, agility, stamina, and muscle strength, you need to perform drills and games. One simple drill is the two-ball split-vision passing drill. To perform the drill, have four to six of you player form a line. Then have a player stand about 8 feet away in the middle of the line of players. Give a ball to one player on the line and one ball to the player standing 8 feet away. Have the player with the ball on the line pass the ball to the lone player while the lone player tries to rapidly pass the ball among the players lined up. The objective here is to improve catching and passing ability, particularly that of the lone player.

Coaching Guy and Girls – The Basic Difference

Several decades ago, there were limited opportunities available for girls in sports. However, in 1972, there was an amendment in the Civil Rights Act that allowed the inclusion of all-girl teams in any sport. This helped increase the number of female participants in athletic teams. Such increase meant that there needs to be proper coaching needs and methods for male and female athletes.

It is important to remember that although the genders are different, the sport they are involved in remains the same. However, since the movements of girls are often more calculated, they are encouraged to play aggressively while adhering to the rules of the game – a strategy that is useful when coaching both males and females.

Biological Development

The biological development of boys and girls are significantly different. A good example would be in height. Girls are usually taller during their early stages and reaching the end of their growth spurt at an early stage as well. Boys on the other hand tend to grow over a long period with an intense growth spurt during their early teens. This is because as boys near these stages, their testosterone levels become significantly greater which leads to development of both growth and physical strength. The significant differences between development rates of girls and boys means there is also a difference with coaching strategies.

Gender Preferences

According to reports published in the Physical Educator in 2000, female athletes are motivated to excel in sports under different reasons as compared to male athletes. According to them, females find the participating in sports along with other basic rewards of the sport as motivational, whereas men find winning and awards to be the motivational factor. This means girls are likely to respond differently to coaches who are entirely consumed with winning competitions. According to another review published by the Montana State University, boys/men usually rate the knowledge and skill of their coach as more important as compared to how females rate their coaches.

Gender-related Obstacles

Females are the one who usually states that their success is attributed to their obstacles along with their continuing participation in the sport. For a coach, becoming aware of these obstacles will allow them to respond better to the needs of their players. The obstacles the females usually encounter are the gender stereotypes with favoritism shown towards their male counterparts on coed teams, poor access to quality training equipment, poor coaching quality for female-only teams, and hardly any high-level opportunities in the sport which includes scholarships.


Although there are a few differences between coaching males and females, since the game is still the same, there are inevitably more similarities as compared to differences. This would include their appreciation towards coaching personality, caring and communication skills.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Three Things You Must Consider To Choose Basketball Shoes

When you are looking for basketball shoes, it is best to only discover the ones that have been the most comfortable, that happen to be the most durable knowing that assist you play the method that you choose to play. Jordans for Women, These factors are usually more important than the color, style or manufacturer. Basketball footwear is crucial in terms of being confident that you're resistant to injury within the basketball court, therefore, you want to implement them extremely seriously. The following suggestions can certainly make it more convenient for you to decide on the basketball shoes that happen to be right up your alley.

It's normal for new basketball players and in some cases parents of babies who play, to not replace their shoes every now and then. Generally speaking, most of the people agree you should replace your basketball shoes on a monthly basis if you're an regular player. Some professional players replace their shoes weekly. This can be extreme cases, however, you must realize that basket ball footwear is likely to tire out after regular use, even the best ones. Now naturally a lot of people cannot stand to purchase shoes weekly, however, you don't want to wear basketball shoes that happen to be worn out as your feet, ankles along with the the majority of your whole body will surely suffer.

It should not should be said, but comfort has to be considered when you choose basketball shoes, and it is one of the most crucial elements. Subsequent it is best to try to find is size, and sizes might not be the same through the brands.Jordans retro, By way of example, should you normally wear a size 11 shoe, do not simply think that this is actually the right size for your upcoming list of basketball shoes.

A high level 10 and it is slightly too small, you may want to use a 10.5. Also keep in mind that this heat will make your feet expand slightly, should leave some room for your feet to move around, although not too much.

I suggest you test basketball shoes before purchasing them. This may seem obvious, but nowadays most people buy items on the internet based only on pictures. Needless to say, if you've obtained certain variety of shoe before and know you prefer it, then choosing a pair online presents not a problem. However, if you have new things, it is best to really look at the mall or your favorite athletic shoe store and try them on. If you locate manboobs you probably like but the prices aren't so competent, you may be able to find a site that sells them at a lower price. By doing this, you simply won't be shopping blind, which is often dangerous in terms of shoes.

Normally, you simply won't turned into a pro by purchasing a certain shoe, however, you is often more protected at basketball. Above most sports, basketball demands footwear which could withstand a substantial amount of impact. When you're hunting for a basketball shoe, keep these suggestions in your mind. Retro Jordans, You'll know you've chosen your basketball shoe correctly as soon as your feet feel happy and once you are going around the legal court like lightning.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

We All Need To Know About These Basic NBA Rules

The NBA rules and rules have numerous commonalities towards the basketball rules observed at other levels aside from some specific variations. Fundamental rules, for example what comprises a foul, traveling and palming the basketball, are close or exactly like other echelons from the sport. But a regulation NBA court differs from the kind of court used at other amounts of the overall game. The timing of the National basketball association game, the timeout situation, the 24-second shot clock along with other facets of the National basketball association, all vary from how the overall game is performed at school, senior high school and also the Olympic level.

The size of a regulation NBA court is 94 ft and also the court is 50 ft wide. The length from the three-point shot is paramount difference within the National basketball association that sets the league aside from other amounts of basketball. The National basketball association line for 3-pointers is 23 ft 9 inches. The disposable-throw line is identical distance in the basket as elsewhere–15 ft–however the free-throw lane is 16 ft wide.

An National basketball association game includes four quarters which are each 12 minutes lengthy. There's a rest of fifteen minutes between your two halves from the contest. Overtime within the National basketball association can last for 5 minutes. The overall game clock in an National basketball association contest must have the ability to show tenths of the second once the quarter makes its way into the ultimate minute.

The offensive team has 24 seconds to take a chance within an National basketball association game having a clock behind each backboard showing time. This National basketball association rule creates greater scoring contests. The 24-second clock begins whenever a team gains what's considered a brand new having the basketball. If your team doesn't shoot the ball for the basket within the allocated time, the opponents is offered the ball. The basketball needs to leave an offensive player's hands prior to the 24-second shot clock expires which shot must hit the rim from the basket or even the defensive team is granted possession. Once the defense knocks the ball from bounds the shot clock stops and whatever time remains onto it is exactly what the offense needs to use if this inbounds the ball.

The National basketball association rules and rules enables two 20-second timeouts each half. The ball should be ruled dead or even the team calling the timeout should have having the ball for that referee to a 20-second timeout. Both teams get as many as six 60-second timeouts for the size of regulation play. However, the teams are permitted to make use of just three timeouts within the 4th quarter of the National basketball association game and should not use a lot more than two within the last two minutes of regulation play. You will find three timeouts allocated throughout overtime, only two could be known as in the last two minutes.

If the altercation breaks out in the game throughout an National basketball association game the guidelines since the situation are obvious. Any player that leaves the part of the bench to participate in the fighting is going to be suspended for the following game and penalized around $35,000. You will find two kinds of flagrant fouls under National basketball association rules. A flagrant foul 1 is committed whenever a player makes unnecessary connection with a rival. A flagrant foul 2 is much more serious and happens once the contact is excessive and unsportsmanlike. This kind of foul warrants immediate ejection, a potential suspension along with a fine only $35,000.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Basic Basketball Training Need These Equipments

Cutting, dribbling and jumping impact every basketball game. But Basketball training to gain an edge over your opponents requires the use of the right equipment during practice. It truly makes a difference inside the workout. From warm-up to cool down, success on the court is "not about what you're doing, but how you are doing it." Here's a rundown of equipment you need to become a threat on the court this season.

Foam Roller

Performing soft tissue work at the beginning of a workout is a corrective strategy to address asymmetries before you move on to higher level activities. Foam rolling improves flexibility and breaks down tight spots in the muscles.

Agility Ladder

Proper use of the agility ladder improves footwork, proprioceptive ability and coordination. The agility ladder is essential for basketball conditioning, and agility ladder drills should be performed in every practice.

Medicine Ball

Medicine ball drills enhance total-body power and reactive strength. Power rotations, lunges and med ball passing drills are fundamental for basketball conditioning.

Disk Pillows

Good balance is crucial on the court, and disk pillows are great for improving balance, proprioception and muscular strength, as well as for injury prevention. Remap your neuromuscular system by training with disk pillows at the end of your workout sessions.


Use a mini-band for shuffle movements and lateral slides during your on-court dynamic warm up. The goal is to activate the medium glutes, improve hip stability and enhance motor control.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Effective Strategies For Good Basketball Training

There's no doubt that basketball can be a fun game to play; nonetheless, if you want to be the best, you have to work at it. You have to do more than play games. There are basic skills you have to master and your body has to be in top shape. You may be a basketball natural; however, you still have to remain dedicated to the sport to attain your true potential. In this report, we'll talk about some recent additions to basketball training that will be advantageous to players and coaches alike.

Aside from your actual training, one of the most important factors to be aware of is nutrition. This is the fuel that will either enhance or harm your training efforts. The foods you eat should coincide with the ultimate outcome you wish for. Some players need to lose weight, while others need to gain weight. Due to the demands that basketball requires of your body; a players' diet needs to be enhanced for adequate nutrition and energy. A player's diet should be made up of a good grade of food.

To maintain your vigor, you should opt to stay away from junk foods and unhealthy snacks. You can also augment your diet with healthy supplements. The two most vital components of a sport like basketball are nutrition and conditioning. The methods used in training to play basketball are strenuous because this is the measure of energy the sport will require. Take frequent breaks and make sure to relax when possible. The primary way to accomplish this is by getting adequate sleep. The average number of hours needed are seven or eight. During your basketball training you will be unable to live life on the wild side by partying and so on. Taking a day or two to relax every week would allow your body a rest. Aside from this, you should vary your workouts so that you don't work the same muscle groups two days in a row. An optimal outcome from your workouts will best be achieved with adequate rest and sleep every night.

Important aspect for being a good player is learning the proper ways to handle the basketball. Holding onto the ball and dribbling is just as important as shooting, and players must constantly work on these skills. When practicing dribbling, remember that you should be mainly using your fingertips rather than your palm. Also, if you are in the habit of looking at the basketball while you dribble, you have to break this habit. Work on this while you are practicing. When you are actually involved in a game, you need to watch the other players, not the ball. Make a concerted effort to practice dribbling with either hand. As a rule, you will be able to dribble with your dominant hand; however, if you have to use your other hand you must control the ball just as well as with your dominant hand.

What is your ultimate goal with basketball? If you want to reach your optimum skill level, be prepared to dedicate a lot of time and effort into your training. Basketball is a sport that requires you to be able to move around quickly and in a variety of ways. Your body also has to be in top condition. Your reflexes must be fine-tuned also, as well as your speed. These tips and guidelines, if followed by you and your teammates, will make you a powerful team on the court.

There isn't any doubt that there are many elements which will help you to improve your abilities in every sport, including the game of basketball,football and volleyball, and probably the most crucial of them is the vertical jump skill.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

These Skills You Must Learn To Play Basketball

Basketball may be the most popoular sport on the earth now, there are millions of basketball fans all over the world, no matter they can play basketball or not, they are all addicted in the basketbal games very much. If you are member of them you can try to enjoy the real fun of playing basketball. In fact, learning how to play basketball is learning its fundamentals, here are some basic things you must learn well.

1. Dribbling – It is important to penetrate to the hoop, move the ball across the court, get away from the defense, and find a good passing lane. There are different types of dribbles:

2. Passing – A good offensive attack requires good passing from players. This helps find an open man, to find a good shooter or to get away from a defender. There are several types of passes you need to learn:

3. Shooting – The object of the game is to win by scoring the most points. Therefore, improving the team’s shooting is important to win a game. There are several ways to score in the game:

4. Rebounding – It is essential to gain or regain possession after the shot. Usually, the team who has the most number of rebounds after the game has more shot attempts and chances to score.

5. Offense – It is the only chance that the team has a shot at the basket and scoring. Playing a good offense requires coordination among players and individual skill to execute well plays.

6. Defense – To be able to get a chance to score and gain possession, the team should play good defense and try to stop their opponent from scoring. As said, “A good defense is a good offense.”

7. Moves – There are different kinds of basketball moves that are important in executing both a good offense and a good defense. Moves are helpful in finding an open man, make a good shot or create an amazing play.

8. Violations – Knowing the kinds of basketball violations improves your game.

9. Assist – It is given to a teammate to help him score easily. Thus is it important to find an open man on the court

10. Foul – It is often an accidental contact made by the defender to his opponent or an aggressive move by the ball-handler towards his defender. However, a foul is also used as a strategy to stop the clock or to keep the shooting player from scoring easily. Learning how to use your fouls well is important in the game.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Things You Should Keep in Mind When Playing Basketball

You are probably told most often what to do when playing basketball. However, highlighting some things you should not do is also important to mastering the sport. Being able to see what is wrong is a good thing because it allows you to be aware of the things that can get your team fouls or other violations on the court.
1. Traveling
Traveling is a direct violation of the rules. Traveling is when you are carrying the ball or performing an illegal dribbling action. Players must recognize the rules regarding traveling and avoid doing it.
Traveling is a simple way to get your team a violation. Fortunately it is a simple thing to avoid if you are constantly aware of the ball and how you are handling it.
2. Losing eye contact
Eye contact is important in almost every team sport. You can not play as a team if you are not connected with your teammates. Eye contact allows you to know where other players are and what they are doing. You can often tell what a player is going to do through eye contact or send messages through eye contact that are subtle and not picked up by the opposing team.
3. Knowing where the ball is at all times
Every player on the court, no matter where they are playing or if they are playing defense or offense, should always know where they ball is. Losing sight of the ball is a fatal mistake. Plays are missed, points are lost and games take wrong turns when players start to take the ball for granted.
You have to know where the ball is at all times. You have to always be watching where it is going because your goal is to either get the ball in the basket or stop the ball from getting to the basket. If you do not know where it is then you can not do either.
4. Leaving your position
There is always a reason that the coach places each player in certain positions. It is up to the players to follow the coach's orders and play their position. Unless told otherwise or unless it is a great benefit to the team, a player should always be focused on their position.
When players start to leave their position it weakens the team and allows for mistakes and possible scoring by the other team.
5. Intentional fouls
Lastly, you want to avoid fouls at all costs. Some may be unavoidable and a simple accident. Other fouls, though, are intentional and most often due to a lack of self control. When playing a team sport things can get heated, but players must show self control. Letting your emotions get the best of you is no way to win a game.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What Skills You Need To Pratice If You Want To Play Basketball Well

I believe that almost all the people need sports very much, and there are also a lot of types of sports in the world, different people may love different kinds of sports. Today, basketball is quite very popular all over the world, and there are also millions of basketball games every year. Basketball is a game that requires a great deal of dedication and practice, in order to improve one's basketball skills, there are certain techniques and fundamentals that can be developed and practiced.

To play basketball well, ball handling is essential for every position of basketball, so the first and foremost thing you need to learn is it. In order to get better at ball handling, keep in mind that your head should always be up and not look at the ball. Make sure you practice dribbling with both hands, as you will always want to use the hand farthest away from the defensive player guarding you. Use your fingers, not your palm, when dribbling, the more used to having the basketball in your hands, the more natural it will feel.

There is some debate about correct form and shooting position, however, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, make sure that your dominant hand is behind the ball while your weaker or secondary hand is on the side of the ball. Roll the ball off of your dominant hands finger tips.

It is also important to maintain good conditioning. Being able to outlast the defensive is important in improving your basketball game. Being in better shape means you are able to run faster for a longer period of time. When possible, make sure to get exercise and eat healthy. Keep active and running even if you don’t have access to practicing fundamentals such as dribbling and shooting. Do research online for the best offensive and defensive plays.

This tip rebounding drill will work on your offensive rebounding, tip ins, and hand eye coordination. Challenge yourself to go as fast and as hard as you can. Rebounding is a key to becoming a great basketball player and developing your overall game. The tip rebounding drill is just one of the hundreds of HD videos listed online continue to check out our page and feel free to visit our website for lots of more drills.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Keep An Eye On NBA Draft 2012

NBA must be the most popular sports program all over the world, almost all the people all over the world all watch NBA games, NBA creates so many famous and great basketball stars i history, such as Jordan, Kobe, LeBron James and Kevin Durant. Now NBA final will end this season, the neaxt is the same exciting NBA draft.

2012 NBA draft appears to be both full of depth and as thin as top prospect Anthony Davis at the top. Davis is the one true franchise-changer, a player whom rational basketball observers like Bob Knight and John Thompson have compared to Bill Russell.
Comps to Kevin Garnett at the high end and Marcus Camby at the low are also not out of place and if your worst-case scenario is a 15-year career at center, then you're more than worthy of the top pick.

After Davis there is no clear-cut second choice, which makes predicting the rest of the draft an ever-changing exercise. Kansas’ Thomas Robinson is a man inside but lacks polish. Kentucky's Michael Kidd-Gilchrist will make any team better, but his offensive ceiling, particularly his shaky jump shot, may be limited.

Florida's Bradley Beal is a smooth 6-foot-4 scoring guard with all the athleticism and intangibles you could want, but he's also just 18 years old and has a lot to learn. North Carolina's Harrison Barnes is coming on strong. And there's still the draft's biggest enigma: UConn's Andre Drummond.

There are players to be had up and down the draft, along with the usual collection of intriguing physical specimens who may go boom or bust. But there is depth in the middle and the end of the first round, and the Celtics should be able to land two solid prospects with their selections in the latter third.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Because Of Injuries To NBA Players, USA Basketball Requested Extra Time To Name Its Team

US Olympic basketball
Despite a rash of season-ending injuries to top National Basketball Association (NBA) players, US Olympic basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski said on Monday he believed he can bring a solid team to the London Games.

The US roster pool has lost injured guards Derrick Rose and Chauncey Billups and forwards Dwight Howard and LaMarcus Aldridge but the talent still available has Krzyzewski upbeat that he can repeat the gold medal success from Beijing.

Keep that in mind in regard to the upcoming roster shuffling. The American’s most formidable competition in London is expected to be Spain, its roster built on strength and size, the one place the U.S. team seems to lack the same kind of depth. With Westbrook, Chris Paul and Deron Williams already in the U.S. player pool, Colangelo and his staff do not have to add another point guard, necessarily, to replace Rose. They could choose to go big inside, or add another interchangeable player who can man multiple positions.

"We believe we can have a terrific team with the guys we have right now," Krzyzewski, who said this would be his last turn directing the national team, told a news conference at the US Olympic Committee’s media summit in Dallas. "We believe we can have a special team."

Krzyzewski and USA Basketball chairman Jerry Colangelo feel the labor dispute between NBA team owners and players that led to the lockout-shortened 2011-12 season had complicated things for this Olympic go-round.

"This has been an unusual year in the NBA with injuries, with the shortened season, condensed season, extended season that has led to back-to-back-to-back games early on," Colangelo said. "Whether injuries were due from that condensed schedule we don’t know."

While such luminaries as LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook give a formidable look to the prospective US roster, the team applied for and was given a 19-day extension by the US Olympic Committee (USOC) on Monday for finalizing its 12-man Olympic roster.

The US team had already been allowed by the USOC to add NBA Sixth Man award winner James Harden and top US college player Anthony Davis of Kentucky, to its pool to bring the once 20-strong list back up to 18 finalists.

One is the N.B.A. season itself, which was condensed and shortened because of the lockout and could extend to June 26, past the original USA Basketball roster deadline. If, say, Miami met Oklahoma City in the finals, certain and potential Olympians such as James, Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh, Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook and Harden would play right up until the national team’s training camp. Bosh has already struggled with injuries in the playoffs and could miss the remainder of the Heat’s conference semifinal series against Indiana with a strained abdominal muscle. Others could decide it’s too much basketball in too short of time.

Beyond that, under Colangelo and Coach Mike Krzyzewski, the national team has built its roster on flexibility, shifting someone like James into the role of primary distributor and using someone like Carmelo Anthony at power forward instead of small. This allowed Team U.S.A. to play the kind of defense, intense and swarming, that won it the gold medal in Beijing in 2008.

Regardless, a difficult pool of potential opponents will be waiting for the Americans in London. Team U.S.A. drew Argentina, France and Tunisia in Group A, along with two teams that will be added from a last-chance tournament in July.

"I think this is the last time," he told reporters. "I hope we can win the gold medal."

USA Basketball chairman Jerry Colangelo said Monday he will continue in his role until the next Olympics to promote continuity.

Because of injuries to NBA players, USA Basketball requested extra time to name its team. The team now will be named on July 7. The previous deadline was June 18. James Harden and Anthony Davishave been added to the pool of players from which the team will be to name its team

Friday, May 4, 2012

Congratulations To The Kentucky Basketball On Its Eighth National Championship

Obama greets champ Kentucky at White House
University of Kentucky head basketball coach John Calipari and the school's 2012 NCAA men's championship team presented President Barack Obama with a No. 1 jersey and a championship ring during a Friday ceremony in the White House East Room.
Friday was a big day for University of Kentucky basketball coach John Calipari and his three assistants. Along with their trip to the White House to be honored by President Obama for winning this year’s NCAA championship, Calipari and his staff also got new, lucrative contracts.
As the basketball world knows, Obama has made his NCAA basketball bracket choices for four years on ESPN. This year, he put Kentucky in his Final Four picks, but he didn't tap the Wildcats to win it all.
Instead, the president liked North Carolina beating what he called "unbelievably talented" Kentucky in the championship game. But that didn't happen: UNC was knocked out by Kansas.
On April 1, Kentucky defeated Kansas 67-59, winning the title — and really messing up the Obama bracket.
"Congratulations to the Kentucky Wildcats on your eighth national championship," Obama said moments after he entered the East Room, the Wildcats and coach John Calipari on risers behind him and a raucuous crowd of Kentucky fans rocking the crystal chandeliers.
The 2012 Wildcats team, which beat Kansas, 67-59, for the national title on April 2, boarded a plane for Washington at about noon for the 5 p.m. event. Obama called Calipari the day after the team's tournament win to offer congratulations, and said that he looked forward to meeting the team in person at the White House. They received the invitation on Tuesday, while Obama was on an unannounced trip to Afghanistan to sign a security agreement with Afghan President Hamid Karzai.
The last-minute invitation caused a minor political dust-up: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican and one of the president's biggest adversaries in Congress, was invited to attend but declined. The reason: He'd planned to attend the festivities in the run-up to Saturday's Kentucky Derby, another storied state sports tradition. But the conflict appeared to be more a quirk of the calendar than anything else.
The White House trip caps a whirlwind year for the players, some of whom were not old enough to vote in the last presidential election.
But Obama took note of the young team's talents, saying he expected their success to continue. "Everybody's got to take a good look now, because a whole bunch of these guys are going on to the NBA," he said. "Who knows, one of them might end up here in Washington."
Calipari’s new guaranteed compensation, which increased by $400,000 annually and does not include up to $850,000 in potential bonuses each season, would make him the fourth-highest paid coach in the NBA, according to a March story by Forbes. He would trail only the Celtics’ Doc Rivers ($7 million), the Spurs’ Greg Popovich ($6 million) and the Trail Blazers’ Nate McMillan ($5.5 million).
It goes without saying, then, that Calipari is among the highest-paid coaches in all of college athletics, not just basketball, “and he should be,” UK athletic director Mitch Barnhart said. “My goodness, he’s done a great job of leading our program. He’s been a great ambassador for the university. He means a great deal to us.”
Calipari, who had a 72-112 record as coach of the New Jersey Nets in the late 1990s, is often mentioned when NBA jobs open – most recently the New York Knicks. But Calipari, who has a 102-14 record with the Cats and hasn’t lost a home game in his three seasons in Lexington, has shot down such speculation by saying he has the best job in basketball and wants to finish his career at Kentucky. He has said he’d like to chase UCLA’s record 11 NCAA titles.
Barnhart said he believes him and thinks his current contract, better than most NBA coaches get and with much more job security, will help ensure that. "What I've learned is that if I make the right picks, I look like a genius. But if things go the other way, then a team like Kentucky gets to come to my house and remind me, in person, that I was wrong."
Obama admitted that he didn't pick Kentucky to win the championship in part because three of the five starters were freshmen. "But let's face it, sometimes, talent trumps experience," Obama said. Obama singled out freshman Anthony Davis, who's from the president's hometown of Chicago, and was named the Most Outstanding Player in the 2012 NCAA Tournament. Obama said he'd visited Davis' school as a U.S. senator in Illinois, and teased him about growing eight inches between his sophomore and senior years of high school.
"In fact, he has grown an inch since he got to the White House," Obama said, joking. Obama also noted the accomplishments of Darius Miller, a senior and former Mr. Basketball from Mason County who won a state championship when he was in high school, and now an NCAA trophy. Only one other player, Louisville's Darrell Griffith, has been Kentucky's Mr. Basketball and won a state title and an NCAA championship.
"I'm pretty sure Coach Cal is right that if Darius decides to run for governor he'll do all right in Kentucky," the president said.
Obama gave Calipari credit, too.

Friday, April 27, 2012

It Was New York That Riley Had Forsaken To Come Make The NBA Matter In Miami

Miami heat
LeBron James arrived with great expectations, joining Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade on the Miami Heat two years ago with talk of multiple NBA titles and the jaw-dropping acrobatic plays that made him a star.
After falling short last year by losing to the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA Finals, the Heat went 46-20 this season to earn a No. 2 seed in the Eastern Conference playoffs behind NBA overall leaderChicago.
Pierce said the sprain was minor, and that he doesn't expect it to bother him Sunday when the Boston Celtics take on the Atlanta Hawks in game one of the 1st round of the NBA Eastern Conference Playoffs. reports that Pierce left Thursday season finale against the Bucks early in the first quarter, and though, the Celtics believed he would not return, he was back on the court late in the second quarter.
Another member of the big 3, Ray Allen, is questionable for Sunday. Allen has missed 2 weeks with a sore right angle, and Celtics coach Doc Rivers said he wasn't sure if Allen will be able to play Sunday.
After all Der- rick Rose went through in the regular season, with five different injuries shelving him for a total of 27 games, is anyone confident that he can stay healthy and lead his team to the Finals? Despite the reigning MVP’s repeated absences, the Bulls (50-16) still went 18-9 without him and finished with the No. 1 overall seed for the second straight season. Tom Thibodeau is seen as a lock to win his second straight Coach of the Year award as the Bulls led the NBA in scoring defense (allowing only 88.2 points per game, a Bulls record) and had the No. 1 rebound differential (6.7). Doug Collins’ Sixers (35-31) started 20-9, then lost 22 of their final 37 games. They’re not built for the playoffs — they have no stars, struggle to score (93.6 ppg) and lack an inside presence. Against the Bulls this season, they made only eight of 33 three-point tries. If it’s another quick first-round ouster, then everybody will await Collins’ decision as to whether he wants to come back for a third season on Broad St.
Second seed Miami (46-20) host the New York Knicks (36-30) and high-scoring Carmelo Anthony in their first-round opener on Saturday (Sunday PHL time) as Dallas (36-30) go up against second-seeded Oklahoma City Thunder (47-19).
Eight playoff series kick off on Saturday and Sunday as the grind of a 66-game NBA season compacted by the league's labor contract dispute gives way to the spotlight of best-of-seven series on the road to the title.

Miami will win the NBA title in Year 2 of the Big 3, or the perception of Riley’s grand superstar plan will go beyond disappointment toward monumental failure, an experiment already in need of an overhaul. Win it all, or the echoing braggadocio of those anticipated multiple titles (“Not one, not two, not three …”) will start to sound mocking, and begin to haunt.
It was this very rivalry more than 10 years ago — Heat-Knicks — that inspired Pat Riley to first utter the memorable lament, “There is winning, and there is misery.”
Back then, misery meant three consecutive years of playoff elimination at the hands of the Knicks (1998-2000), though the Heat was higher seeded every time. Worse, it was New York that Riley had forsaken to come make the NBA matter in Miami.
Some dozen years later the alternative to winning presents a very different sort of misery for Riley and all he has built here. That misery is out there, lurking, threatening.

After getting to the Western finals last spring, the Thunder (47-19) has been a popular choice to win the conference. Kevin Durant won his third straight scoring title (28.0 ppg) and has his best chance to win the MVP award. Russell Westbrook is coming off an All-NBA caliber season and James Harden is a lock to win the Sixth Man Award. Harden is ready for the playoffs after suffering a concussion at the hands of Metta World Peace last Sunday. After those three, who accounted for 67% of the team’s points, the Thunder has few scoring options. Ex-Laker Derek Fisher provided little (4.9 ppg) in 20 games. But Oklahoma City has one of the best interior defenses in the NBA, with veteran big men Kendrick Perkins and Serge Ibaka, the NBA’s top shot blocker (3.65 per game). Coming off their championship season, the Mavs (36-30) have struggled, especially on the road (13-20), withoutTyson Chandler, J.J. Barea and DeShawn Stevenson. They got nothing out of Lamar Odom before releasing him. This is a transition season for owner Mark Cuban until he can restock his team, starting this summer with a move for free agent and Dallas-area product Deron Williams.
The Knicks have navigated through a tumultuous season that included a coaching change and the emergence of point guard Jeremy Lin and subsequent knee injury that has sidelined him.
Under interim coach Mike Woodson the Knicks have played spirited defense led by center Tyson Chandler and allowed Anthony to use his one-on-one scoring skills while also utilizing three-point sharpshooters J.R. Smith and Steve Novak.
Dallas took a step back after losing Chandler and guard J.J. Barea to free agency, and face a difficult draw against the high-powered Thunder, who are led by NBA scoring champion Kevin Durant and offensive-minded guard Russell Westbrook.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Coaching Legend Larry Brown Will Take Over At SMU

Larry Brown
DALLAS -- SMU announced Thursday that Hall of Famer Larry Brown will become the Mustangs' next men's basketball coach."I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to coach at SMU," Brown said in a statement released by the university. "I've built so many relationships in the basketball world and my success has been due to the coaches I've played for and the players I've coached. I always thought of myself as a college coach and this gives me a wonderful chance to get back where I started."

Many of you may not have noticed last week, but basketball coaching legend Larry Brown is back in the college game. At the age of 71, he is the new head coach at SMU.

Brown has had a remarkable career, but he is truly a coaching gypsy. He has been everywhere. In college he has coached at UCLA and Kansas. In the NBA and the old ABA, he has coached the Carolina Cougars, Denver Nuggets, New Jersey Nets, Los Angeles Clippers, Indiana Pacers, Philadelphia 76'ers, Detroit Pistons, New York Knicks and Charlotte Bobcats.

He is the only coach in basketbal history to win an NBA championship and an NCAA championship. He won an NBA title coaching the Pistons in 2004. He won an NCAA title at Kansas in 1988. He also took UCLA to the NCAA finals in 1980 where they lost to Louisville.There have been issues. When he won the 1988 NCAA title at Kansas, the Jayhawks went on a major probably seven months later. They did not have to vacate their title, but they did admit to major violatioins. Roy Williams came in from North Carolina to clean up the mess after Brown left for the NBA and San Antonio.

Brown is a basketball Hall of Famer, having been inducted in 2002. As a player, he played on the 1964 U. S. Olympic team that won a Gold Medal in Tokyo.One thing that Larry Brown has not done in his career, is to coach in our state. That will change next winter. SMU will be in Conference USA for one more season before heading to the Big East. As a result, Brown will coach the Mustangs in Huntington next season when the Mustangs play at Marshall. His appearance in Huntington will make that game an event.

Brown has a reputation for impressive turnarounds and often messy departures from teams. When Michael Jordon hired him in Charlotte, Brown had been out of coaching for two years after going only 23-59 in his only season in New York and being let go by the Knicks.His longest tenure with any team was six seasons with Philadelphia. He had left the 76ers with two years left on his contract to go to Detroit.He was enshrined in the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Mass., in 2002.Brown has his work cut for him at SMU. The Mustangs are not very relevant in college basketball, but Brown's presence could change that. He does provide some sizzle.If his past history is any indication, Brown's stay in Dallas may not be that long. But it should be long enough for us to see him in our state in the winter of 2013.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

One Proved The Los Angeles Lakers Need Kobe Bryant Now More Than Ever

It went on just long enough for everyone to start drawing conclusions. And Kobe Bryant didn't help with all those camera shots of him enthusiastically grabbing a clipboard and coaching up his teammates from the sidelines in a nationally televised win over the Dallas Mavericks on Sunday.

But let's be real. The Los Angeles Lakers might have won four straight games without Bryant. And yes, "Coach Kobe" is a fun storyline. However, after watching the way the San Antonio Spurs shredded a lifeless, rudderless Lakers team 112-91 on Tuesday night at Staples Center, there can be no argument the Lakers are a better team without Bryant.

This game meant a ton to both teams. The Lakers are trying to hold off the resurgent Clippers for third place in the Western Conference standings. The Spurs are trying to wrestle the top spot away from suddenly mortal Oklahoma City. But only one team played as if it were playing for something important Tuesday night: the Spurs, who got a sublime game from Tony Parker (29 points, 13 assists) and solid work from both Tim Duncan (19 points, eight rebounds) and Manu Ginobili (15 points, six rebounds, four assists).

The Lakers, well, they got decent games from Pau Gasol (16 points, seven rebounds) and Andrew Bynum (21 points, seven rebounds). But the Lakers needed a lot more than "decent" to beat the Spurs for the second time in a week with this much on the line. They needed what Parker gave the Spurs. They needed leadership. They needed one of their big men to dominate in the way Bynum did last week in San Antonio.

It's games like this in which that extra bit of moxie shows up. In which it can be the difference between winning and losing. Bryant doesn't always make every shot, but he is never afraid to grab hold of a game and try to win or lose it.

Say what you will about how he can bog down the Lakers' offense at times. But Bryant is the team's leader. The guy who always shows up. The guy who always puts up. And yes, the guy you opposing teams will forever have a hard time shutting up. There are times when he shoots the Lakers out of games. But you can count on one hand the number of games in his career in which he has disappeared on the Lakers when they needed him.

Bynum and Gasol both played well Tuesday. And truth be told, this loss really isn't on them. As big men, they can do only so much. The ball has to get to them before they can score. And too often during what proved to be a decisive eight-minute stretch in the second quarter, when the Spurs blew open a tight game with an 18-0 run, the ball never made it inside to either Gasol or Bynum.

That would be the stretch of the game after Metta World Peace, who had been doing an admirable job of controlling the pace of the game in Bryant's sted, was called for an offensive foul on Gary Neal and had to sit out with three fouls.

"When Metta was out, I think we lost control of the tempo of the game," Lakers coach Mike Brown said. "They kind of sped us up, and we did not look like we had -- nor tried to get -- control of the tempo. We'd come down and take a one-pass 3-pointer or a no-pass 3.

"We kind of got out of character of the way we've been playing lately."

Without World Peace in the game, the Lakers looked frazzled. They turned the ball over at an alarming rate, and San Antonio capitalized with its run, most of which was in transition.

What does that have to do with Bryant being out? That's simple. He's normally the guy who controls everything for the Lakers. Who reads the game, adjusts to it and does what the situation calls for. Sometimes that means putting up 28 shots himself; other times that means feeding Bynum and Gasol to get the inside-out game working. But it always means dictating the best tempo for the Lakers to play.

"I think [Bryant] always makes a difference. Whether you win or lose, his presence is felt," Brown said. "He's a guy that can feel or understand tempo. He may not say anything to our guys, but the way he helps control it is he may run to the block and ask for it and get the guys to settle down.

"It kind of calms everybody down."

With Bryant out, those duties have fallen to World Peace and point guard Ramon Sessions, and as you might have guessed, it's not exactly the same thing.

"I know how to control the tempo because I've been a go-to player before," World Peace said. "The tempo is very important. It's more important than scoring sometimes. If you understand the game, how your tempo is, not the other team's tempo, your tempo, it makes a big difference. You don't even have to score the ball."

For the past six games, it has been easy to forget things like this. To look at the wins and the way the Lakers have played, and conclude that maybe they can win without Bryant running the show.

But six games is far too small a sample size. Far better to look back on what Bryant has done the past 16 seasons.

He leads; others follow. That proportion might get out of whack at times. He might do too much; his teammates might do too little. But in a game the Lakers need to win, they are always better off with Bryant at the front of the charge

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dwight Howard Scores Just 8 Points As Knicks Roll To 96-80 Win

Dwight Howard was much more likable as a high school senior, a kid wearing braces, a dreamer who wanted to become the first African-American president of the United States.

He was something of an underdog back then, a relatively anonymous class valedictorian in 2004, otherwise known as Year 1 A.B. -- After Bron. LeBron James was preparing to play a game in Philly early in his rookie year with Cleveland when I started a locker room conversation with him about the prom kings preparing to follow his lead.

James knew a bit about the center from Southwest Atlanta Christian Academy. Just a bit. "Dwight Something," he called him.

Dwight Something grew into a somebody, a big somebody, too big for his own good. Thursday, it all ended for Howard. His innocence -- or whatever remained of it -- was shattered like a glass backboard even before he embarrassed himself against the New York Knicks.

Seven hours before tipoff, before Howard went scoreless for the first 35 minutes and 56.5 seconds of a 96-80 loss to the Knicks, Stan Van Gundy disclosed that his bosses had told him Howard did indeed ask for his head. The franchise player suddenly appeared out of left field, clueless to what Van Gundy had just told reporters, and wrapped an arm around his man.

Howard thought this would be just another us-against-them moment, just another case of an embattled jock and an embattled coach finding a common and convenient enemy in the news media. The center all but broke out his world famous Stan Van impression in an effort to lighten the mood and mock the report that he'd pulled the ol' him-or-me stunt with management.

Only Van Gundy wasn't about to laugh along. He got out of there as quickly as he could, and left Howard alone to absorb the same kind of sucker punch he threw at his coach behind closed doors.

"Stan just didn't want to lie anymore," said one league source close to the situation. "Letting this linger has already ruined the season, and there's so much more beyond this that's going on behind closed doors. If nothing else, by exposing Dwight, Stan did the next head coach a huge favor. Now Howard has to be on his best behavior in Orlando, at least until he leaves."

And yes, after all that opt-in, opt-out, opt-back-in drama, Howard will almost certainly leave the Magic sometime next year, probably for the Nets. Most superstars only get to kill off one coach, "and Dwight was also in on Brian Hill," the league source said. "People forget that. Stan is the second coach he's running out of there."

Brooklyn beware. Hand your new franchise and new arena to this disruptive force at your own peril.

"We've just got to stay together," Howard said after delivering eight garbage-time points in 40 lousy minutes. "We can't let anything from the outside tear us apart."

This might've been the most absurd thing said on an absurd day and night. We can't let anything from the outside tear us apart?

These are self-inflicted wounds, all of them, and Howard knows it.

When Orlando's fifth consecutive loss was complete, Van Gundy explained that he "simply clarified a situation" when confirming his center wants him out. The coach had met with Howard and Magic GM Otis Smith before the game, and the three agreed -- at least for now -- that the mutual loathing had to be boxed up again and stored behind closed doors.

"I don't want to talk about it," Howard said when asked about Van Gundy. In the losing locker room, all Howard would talk about was Orlando's need to weather this storm.

"Everybody's expecting us to fall apart," he said, "and we have to stay together. No pointing the finger, no blaming anybody ... "

More stand-up genius from the guy whose index finger leads the league in flagrants.

Thursday night, after the longest day of his career, Howard should've taken out his frustration on the Knicks, the team that crushed him in the Garden ("a horrendous, inexcusable game," Van Gundy called it) after Howard and teammates reportedly partied late into the night. Here was the big man's big chance to even the score.

But instead Howard appeared disengaged, even willing to concede defeat. In the first half he took all of two shots, didn't get to the foul line, and allowed Carmelo Anthony to outscore him 17-0. If Howard was trying to make up with Van Gundy, he had the funniest way of showing it.

He finally scored with 3.5 seconds left in the third quarter, on an uncontested dunk. "I thought Dwight played really, really hard," Van Gundy actually said, if only because he'd already shredded his center enough.

The Knicks made 13 of their 25 3-point attempts, and after their collapse in Indy they suddenly looked alive again.

"I don't think anybody would want to play New York (in the playoffs)," Van Gundy had said after his shoot-around for the ages. "Any team that's got Carmelo Anthony is going to scare the hell out of you."

And any team that's got Dwight Howard is going to scare the hell out of its coach.

Sure, there's a long, not-so-proud tradition of stars firing coaches in the NBA. But if you're going to do what Magic Johnson did -- lead Paul Westhead's fastbreak out of L.A. -- then you have to be worth the trouble, like Magic.

Howard hasn't been worth the trouble, and that's a shame. The kid I remember meeting for the first time in a high school locker room in Delaware was a Finding Nemo fan who drove a 1984 Ford Crown Victoria, the perfect antidote to LeBron's Hummer.

Howard was a do-gooding son of a state trooper, and he only generated controversy when he stated his pre-Tebow hope that Christ's crucifix would someday be part of the NBA's logo.

Oh, and young Howard had this to say of LeBron James: "I think I can surpass him."

Against the odds, Howard has surpassed James as a villain. As a self-appointed Superman with video-game muscles, Howard wanted to be known for his red cape, not his black hat.

He'll wear both into Brooklyn at some point, long after Stan Van Gundy is going, going, gone.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Russell Westbrook Had 32 Points And Thunder Won Their Fourth Victory

Russell Westbrook had 32 points and eight assists, Kevin Durant scored 25 points and the Western Conference-leading Oklahoma City Thunder won their fourth straight with a 109-95 victory over the Portland Trail Blazers on Tuesday night.

James Harden added 21 points off the bench for the Thunder, who built a 65-47 lead by halftime and led by as many as 20 points.

LaMarcus Aldridge had 20 points and eight rebounds as Portland fell to 3-4 under Kaleb Canales, who took over as interim coach when the Blazers fired Nate McMillan at the NBA trade deadline.

The Blazers were coming off a 90-87 victory over Golden State on Sunday. Portland has not had back-to-back wins since Jan. 23-24 against Sacramento and Memphis.

The Thunder, who went 3-1 against the Blazers, were coming off a 103-87 victory at home over the Miami Heat. Oklahoma City heads to Staples Center to face the Lakers on Thursday before hosting the Eastern Conference-leading Chicago Bulls on Sunday.

Rookie Nolan Smith got the start at point guard for the Blazers in place of Raymond Felton, who left the team to be with his mother while she undergoes a heart procedure.

Smith is the son of the late Derek Smith, who played nine seasons in the NBA and was a close friend with Thunder coach Scott Brooks.

Brooks said before the game that Nolan Smith was the ring bearer at his wedding.

“He was a feisty little guy,” Brooks said of the younger Smith, who went on to play at Duke before he was selected by the Blazers with the 21st overall pick in last June’s draft. Smith finished with three points in 25 minutes.

The Thunder beat the Blazers 111-107 in overtime at the Rose Garden on Feb. 6, a game that was controversial because of a goaltending call on Aldridge in the final six seconds of regulation. The NBA overturned the call the next day.

Oklahoma City went up 28-14 on Derek Fisher’s 3-pointer near the end of the first quarter. Fisher was playing his fourth game since he was picked up as a free agent by the Thunder last week.

The Thunder extended the lead to 57-40 midway through the second quarter on Westbrook’s fast-break layup, and led by as many as 21.

The Blazers narrowed it to 71-63 midway through the third quarter on Aldridge’s turnaround jumper, putting the crowd on its feet for the first time in the game. Wesley Matthews added a 3-pointer, pulling Portland within five points, and Nicolas Batum raised his arms to the crowd on the way back down the court.

Matthews’ 3 capped a 17-2 Blazers run, but Westbrook slowed the momentum a bit with a fast-break layup. Durant’s 3-pointer extended the margin back out to 82-72 and the Thunder cruised the rest of the way.

J.J. Hickson, acquired by the Blazers last week after he was waived by Sacramento, had 21 points off the bench.

Notes: The Thunder’s game Thursday against the Lakers marks Fisher’s first game against his former team since the Lakers traded him to Houston earlier this month. The Rockets bought out his contract and he signed as a free agent with the Thunder last week. ... The Thunder always draw a number of fans wearing Seattle SuperSonics jerseys. One fan behind the Thunder bench had a sign that read “Stolen” with the Sonics’ signature “S.”

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bulls Hold Magic To 59 In Record Romp

Derrick Rose is turning out to be more valuable on the bench than Dwight Howard and other NBA stars have been on the floor. With their defense setting a franchise record in an 85-59 win over the Magic on Monday, the Bulls improved to 10-4 this year in the absence of Rose, the injured MVP. Their winning rate of 71.4 percent without him is better than all but two teams -- Oklahoma City and Miami -- in the everyday standings.

In a league ruled by the most talented individuals, Chicago is transcendent. Howard (18 points, 12 rebounds and four turnovers) was easily the biggest talent on the floor, yet he was outplayed by Carlos Boozer, who finished with 24 points on 12-for-18 shooting to go with 13 rebounds and four steals. The Bulls have overcome the absence of Rose, All-Star Luol Deng (who has missed nine games) and shooting guard Richard Hamilton (31 absences) to enable second-year coach Tom Thibodeau (100-30) to win his 100th game faster than any coach in league history. It's worthwhile to point out that Phil Jackson started out 100-42 with Michael Jordan -- who, by the way, was rarely injured.

"He's the hardest-working guy I've ever been around and he deserves it," said Bulls center Joakim Noah of his coach. The coach, in turn, would say the same kinds of things about his team, and no one in the league would argue with either one of them.

The other day Orlando coach Stan Van Gundy was mentioning to his assistants that the Bulls might be able to win games even if they were missing all five of their starters. "To me, they're the best team in the league as far as a team collectively playing together, being unselfish, being committed -- doing all of those things it takes to win," said Van Gundy before this game. "They're the best team.''

Then, without having to worry about Rose, Van Gundy watched the Bulls nonetheless control the pace and hold the full-strength Magic to 59 points, which is the fewest Chicago has ever allowed in a regular-season game. The Magic made 4 of 20 threes, provided Chicago with 25 points on 19 turnovers and shot no better from the free throw line than the Bulls did from the three-point line, as each went 7 of 18, respectively. When he wasn't acknowledging the superior teamwork of the Bulls, Van Gundy was criticizing himself. "Our offense was pathetic, and that's something that I have got to take a look at because we've got better players than that," he said. "I don't want to lay it on one or two guys, and I also don't want to absolve anybody. This is a team-wide thing."

A night like this raises intriguing questions for May and June. Might the Bulls be able to win a championship while overcoming the superior star power of the Heat, Thunder and other contenders? In the last week alone the Rose-less Bulls have beaten Miami, Orlando and Philadelphia, the other top seeds in the East. Rose should be in no hurry to push himself back from his latest groin injury because his absence generates opportunities for his teammates to grow more confident at the expense of their rivals. "Right now they're the No. 2 offensive team in the league and the No. 2 defensive team in the league," said Van Gundy. "You see those numbers, you're saying (they're a) championship contender."

The normal NBA thinking is to give a hard-driving team like these Bulls credit for their work in the regular season while asking whether they can raise their level of play in the postseason, which is something the stars of Miami should be able to do. But couldn't it also be true that the Bulls won't need to play any better or more efficiently than they have at their best this season? Or how about this one: If they can win as impressively as they have in recent days without Rose, then maybe they can yet elevate their overall game when he's at full strength when the real season starts in six weeks?

A team known for its point-guard play earned a clobbering victory on a night when its starting point guard, C.J. Watson, went 0 for 8 from the field with three assists and two turnovers. The Bulls are malleable and resilient. They pulled away at the end of the opening quarter on a trio of threes by aptly-named third-string point guard John Lucas III. He finished with 20 points in 21 minutes off the bench to outscore anyone in a Magic uniform, and each time Lucas made a shot the Chicago fans made the arena sound like it belonged to them.

"We've got a deep team," said Thibodeau, who is not one to exaggerate.

Someday soon enough, when Rose is healthy, we're going to find out if they have a championship team. There's no sense in saying they don't, because if they've shown a talent for anything, it's for creating splendid surprises.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Big China Man Yao Ming

When Yao Ming finally announced his retirement, the big China man not only put an end to a glittering career, but he also left a gaping hole in the legacy of Chinese basketball. There seems to be no one to continue the legacy of one of the finest talents to have ever embraced the game. Yao Ming not only contributed to the sport of basketball in terms of his outstanding talent, he was also an excellent ambassador to the sport. 

If this is not enough, he caused the popularity of basketball in China to rocket and due to his contributions; China became the second largest country in terms of NBA viewership, and it is even now.
Keep in mind that China has an extensive and rigorous state-run athletics program to top the massive interest in the game.

Some pointers might help depict a clearer picture as to why this might be the case.  To start with, China's system is extremely demanding and overburdening for the players. Some critics believe that Yao Ming's career was cut short at the mere age of 30 due to the unreasonable levels of stress he had to endure as part of the Chinese national team.

This focus on winning at the expense of health indeed envelops a huge risk of career threatening injuries. Secondly, China seems to lay all the focus on recruiting tall players. It is worth noting that the NBA has done well in adapting players of all heights in to the game. Besides, if the 5 ft. 3 inch Muggsy Bogues can have a successful career in the NBA, then the Chinese better pay heed to the little master.

And then there is fact that Chinese have a tendency to search for a talent that shines at a young age. There appears to be no relaxation in terms of the time given for a player to develop and harness his potential. The Chinese need to pay attention to Michael Jordan in this scenario, who was dropped from his high school team and later went on to become the icon of basketball.

Last but not the least, there is a strong focus on education in China, a thing which has placed them at par with the Western powers. That in itself is a good thing; however, it can be destructive if it overshadows all other aspects of life, especially sports. Children generally tend to get very less free time to engage in sports as a recreational activity. But as they, to achieve something you have to lose something and unfortunately, it's the hoops  game that is suffering at the moment.

In truth, there are probably many potential future Yao Ming's roaming the streets of Beijing right now. However, it all depends on the state and how it plans to work towards identifying and grooming that talent. For Yao Ming's part, he has assumed the ownership of a Chinese basketball club and rest assured, there will be some stars emerging from that team. Probably at the moment, that is all he can do.

Monday, March 5, 2012

How To Plan Drills For Basketball

Almost all the people like footbal very much, no matter you can play football or not, no matter men or women, basketball attract all the eyes all over the world. If you are serious about basketball, you must see that basketball drills are extremely useful, even if nobody likes to do them. Just like if you want to be good at playing a musical instrument you have to practice playing the same notes over and over again, so you have to practice your skills to improve at basketball. Basketball drills, on the other hand, must be carefully planned according to where the team and the individual members need to improve. If you want to plant the perfect drills, you need to follow the techniques outlined below.

Basketball players need to engage in drills that perfect the fundamentals of the game, and on a constant basis, even if it's not very fun. If you don't do this, you will end up making the same mistakes on a constant basis, and that's not the way to get better.

The drills you plan, whether they are for you or they're for other people, need to be planned with an understanding of why drills are so crucial. There are players out there who feel that basketball drills are dumb and that they get enough practice when they're playing basketball for real.

One of the main goals of basketball drills are to ensure that the players are physically fit. In addition to practicing game skills, it requires a lot of discipline and coordination to play on the court. If the drills are not quick enough, they will not prepare the players for the real challenges of the game. It is for this reason that basketball drills should consist of a fast routine and have a lot of movement and conditioning exercises. This will also make players see that they should practice by themselves as well. It is a good idea to start practices with stretching exercises because these will help flexibility and avoid accidents.

In basketball, rebounds happen all the time so you need to practice these also when you're practicing drills. Players must also consider the fact that anytime they, any member of their team, or the opposing players shoot, they have the chance to miss, so they should be ready to capture that ball at a moment's notice. This is a mental and physical exercise that requires constantly alertness. To practice rebound drills by bouncing the basketball off walls and having the player get it, or you can use the backboard in the same manner. Rebounding is what makes basketball not like any other sport out there, and it is a very fast paced game, so players need to work on speed and conditioning, and they need to do this often.

Basketball drills are a part of the game that is essential for both beginners and professionals to know. Even talented players will not reach their potential if they don't practice regularly. Drills provide players a chance to learn how to do the right techniques and learn which things they have to improve. Don't forget these tips when planning your basketball drills so that your team can apply them and get the most from their practice sessions.

It's important to change the basketball drills players practice over time. When you do nothing but the same drills constantly, boredom will set in and you won't get any better than you are now. Every drill you engage in is designed to help you improve a skill and some drills help you improve more than one aspect of that skill, and so you need to give players variety when it comes to the drills they engage in. When you mix up the drills, the players won't get bored, they'll be extra motivated, and they'll get better than ever with more abilities. You should of course remain with one drill set for a while until everyone gets it, and then switch it up so that nobody gets bored.

Friday, March 2, 2012

NBA Trade Contract News 2012

Even before the 2012 NBA All-Star Special, names of several NBA athletes circulate the realm of online sports gambling. NBA addicts, and forum regulars of major sporting activities betting sites like bet365 sportsbook, are hooked on the NBA fever now that the trade deadline is now closing in.

Teams have until March 15, 2012 to consider and the quicker the teams make the changes they're looking for, the quicker some team chemistry can happen and that will assist them come playoff period. Big names that get popped out like daisies on the web for days include Dwight Howard, Pau Gasol together with Deron Williams. The player who's mostly been in the news is Dwight Howard. Dwight Howard plays middle and power forward for the Orlando Magic. There was a rumor that he might go for the LA Lakers, and the deal was even given a specific date. However, Howard has been open about his feelings towards not hoping join Kobe Bryant and play for the team Lakers. It could also be the reason why the Lakers has disengaged from the talks, saying they won't trade Pau Gasol and Bynum as a swap for him. Pau Gasol, a Spanish professional basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers, has also been in the info. Gasol was drafted through the Atlanta Hawks in the 2001 NBA Draft, but his rights were traded to the Memphis Grizzlies, with whom he won the NBA Rookie of the Year Award. He was rumored to be traded to the Houston Rockets and also the Los Angeles Lakers will have Kyle Lowry and Luis Scola in return for. And because the LA Lakers desperately requires a point guard, sports commentators see this deal as something that would benefit both teams and another that is very likely to be made. Meanwhile, it's also reported that the defending NBA Champion, Dallas Mavericks need to bolster their ranks in any manner they can. Reports say that the team could be considering obtaining All-Star point guard Deron Williams plays point guard for the Nets, and remains one of NBA's top five point guards. Deron Williams would likely choose to sign along with the Mavericks when he becomes a free agent, but his recent game along with the Nets have proven that the issue does not affect his performance in any way. He helped his group beat the defending champions within their own arena with the help of teammates, Brook Lopez together with Kris Humphries.

All these rumors via the internet in just a matter of days have been so crazy that it attracted even don't actually watch the NBA. Add the undeniable fact that the online sports betting world may be giving sports fans offers as exciting like NBA itself. Bet 365 now allows their customers to bet on the go, with their Mobile at Bet365 promo, where they're just offering a fantastic 100% Initial Match Bonus in the first bet. There is in addition the 50% parlay incentive promo, which has now been extended to incorporate even more leagues as well as markets. Bettors may earn as many as 50% more on their American and Canadian activities pre-game parlays, including usual and post-season football, basketball, hockey and baseball activities. All they have to do is place a pre-game parlay of 2 or more selections at any charge combining teams in NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE, NCAAF, CFL, NBA, NCAAB, MLB and NHL. It's a sure way to enjoy the rest of the NBA season and at the same time, get more from sports betting than just a sign-up bonus.

The rumors on the net have definitely rocked the world of NBA fans. The NBA trade deadline on March 15 will be much awaited by the fans of the athletes rumored to get picked or transferred. But wherever these players wind up, the NBA will still remain the most exciting league on this planet-and that's no rumor.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NBA 2012 All-Star Game

As the 2012 All-Star Game ends and the regular season in the National Basketball Association continues, NBA fans and internet betting fans are getting more and more excited to know which team is going to be named champion for this year.

The NBA All-Star day had several exciting events such as the BBVA Rising Stars Challenge, the Sprite Slam Dunk Competition, Foot Locker Three-Point Contest, Taco Bell Skills Challenge and also the Haier Shooting Stars Contest. The game between the Western Conference All-Stars between the Eastern Conference All-Stars ended along with the Western Conference All-Stars group winning, 152-149.

Kevin Durant, playing small forward for the Oklahoma City Thunders was given the prestigious NBA All-Star MVP award, beating big names like Kobe Bryant, Dwight Howard and LeBron James, among others. He won and finished the match with 36 points. The BBVA Rising Stars Game ended with Team Chuck winning, led by Kyrie Irving, who scored 34 points on 8/8 three-point shooting and who also received the MVP award in the Rising Stars Challenge. For the Sprite Slam Dunk Game, fans were wowed by Arkansan Jeremy Evans who plays small forward for the Utah Jazz. The winner with the Slam Dunk Contest was decided by Twitter vote and text. Over 3 million votes were cast and the winner of the competition was Evans, with over 29% of the vote. Kevin Love for the Minnesota Timberwolves won the Foot Locker Three-Point Contest wherein, Kevin Love and Kevin Durant had a finals tiebreaker which then ended with Love taking home the prize with a final score of 17-14. Tony Parker of the San Antonio Spurs succeeded the Taco Bell Skills Challenge, which showed an obstacle course including things like dribbling, passing and shooting. In the end, Tony Parker took home the trophy by topping Rajon Rondo's time in a playoff. Meanwhile Stanford Cardinal alum, Landry Fields, took home first place included in Team New York at the annual Haier Shooting Stars competition, with teammates Cappie Pondexter together with Allan Houston. All To sum it up, it has been a very exciting weekend for NBA supporters.

But all good things must come to an end, even this NBA All-Star Game; and for all of those other athletes and the world of sports betting, they're now back in the real game. Everyone is going to follow the remaining season to wait for the overall 2012 NBA winner. Some say that with the attention Jeremy Lin with the New York Knicks gets, the team itself is gathering support, which is a plus factor for it enhances the overall team determination to make it to the finals. But we'll just need to wait and see. To excite the world of sports and online sports bettors, Bet365 sports betting, one of the leading sportsbooks using the web, like the NBA, is also continuously giving their fans the best promos and exciting specials to add spice to their NBA nights. Bet365 is promoting its Refer a Friend promo, wherein the customers may take advantage of the rewards just by spreading the news about bet365 to close friends, relatives or other people who are into sports betting.

All they need to do is fill the referral form. The user will be handed a $50 bonus to bet on sports for every friend he or she referred. What's more exciting is that bet365 will offer the referred friend $50 which can be used on the sportsbook; the more friends they refer,the more cash they'll receive. But not only will they get even more bonuses by referring friends, they also have the opportunity to enjoy watching the remaining parts of the NBA season while enjoying the rewards with them. With the intense NBA months and exciting Bet365 promos, this pair will surely make every game time worth watching.