Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Things You Should Keep in Mind When Playing Basketball

You are probably told most often what to do when playing basketball. However, highlighting some things you should not do is also important to mastering the sport. Being able to see what is wrong is a good thing because it allows you to be aware of the things that can get your team fouls or other violations on the court.
1. Traveling
Traveling is a direct violation of the rules. Traveling is when you are carrying the ball or performing an illegal dribbling action. Players must recognize the rules regarding traveling and avoid doing it.
Traveling is a simple way to get your team a violation. Fortunately it is a simple thing to avoid if you are constantly aware of the ball and how you are handling it.
2. Losing eye contact
Eye contact is important in almost every team sport. You can not play as a team if you are not connected with your teammates. Eye contact allows you to know where other players are and what they are doing. You can often tell what a player is going to do through eye contact or send messages through eye contact that are subtle and not picked up by the opposing team.
3. Knowing where the ball is at all times
Every player on the court, no matter where they are playing or if they are playing defense or offense, should always know where they ball is. Losing sight of the ball is a fatal mistake. Plays are missed, points are lost and games take wrong turns when players start to take the ball for granted.
You have to know where the ball is at all times. You have to always be watching where it is going because your goal is to either get the ball in the basket or stop the ball from getting to the basket. If you do not know where it is then you can not do either.
4. Leaving your position
There is always a reason that the coach places each player in certain positions. It is up to the players to follow the coach's orders and play their position. Unless told otherwise or unless it is a great benefit to the team, a player should always be focused on their position.
When players start to leave their position it weakens the team and allows for mistakes and possible scoring by the other team.
5. Intentional fouls
Lastly, you want to avoid fouls at all costs. Some may be unavoidable and a simple accident. Other fouls, though, are intentional and most often due to a lack of self control. When playing a team sport things can get heated, but players must show self control. Letting your emotions get the best of you is no way to win a game.