It's good to start off with an idea of how much you want to spend, as basketball shoes vary quite a bit in price. Keep in mind that basketball shoes, even the best ones, have to be replaced regularly if you play all the time. For this reason, if you don't have a large budget, you should probably be looking at reasonably priced ones. The most expensive basketball shoes are around two hundred dollars, but you can still get a well made pair for fifty. You really don't want to buy a pair of bargain sneakers for ten dollars to play basketball in. The game is simply too grueling for low end shoes. If you do some shopping, however, you don't have to spend a fortune either, as well made shoes can be found on sale.
It almost goes without saying that comfort is a major factor when it comes to basketball shoes, but it's worth stressing because it really is that important. Be sure that you are selecting the perfect shoe size, which may not be universal across all brands. For example, if you wear a 12 in one brand, you may wear an inch more or less with another brand.
You may want to try on a 10 1/2 or 11 1/2 as well, if the size 11 feels a little too loose or tight. The feet will get slightly bigger when they get overheated, so you need to ensure that your feet can move around in there.
If you're going to invest in a pair of quality basketball sneakers, you should do everything you can to take good care of them. The best way to prolong their life is to only wear them when you play basketball. Basketball is hard enough on your shoes, so you should not wear them out faster by using them for other purposes. When you're not wearing them, your shoes should be kept in a dry spot that's well ventilated. Locations that tend to be damp, such as basements, are not ideal places to keep shoes. You'll be able to preserve your basketball shoes longer if you think of them as part of your playing gear rather than as just another pair of shoes to run around in.
In closing, basketball shoes can help you remain light on your feet and you can do it for a longer period of time. Basketball shoes that are poorly made, that don't fit, or that are worn in can leave you open to getting hurt badly. You should now understand how important the right shoe is to the game of basketball, and also how to go about finding one. The ideal shoe is going to feel good and it's going to let you move how you want in order to play the game at your best.
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